

The Way Of Working That Works For Me (2)

Presented at the Eastan Annual Comnference
American Association of Advertising Agencies
Copy & Art Section
November 14, 1962
  Americana Hotel
   New York City  

The Way Of Working That Works For Me (2)

  V. P. Executive Art Director Young & Rubicam, Inc.

PHASE ,TWO of my four-phase theory-afterand along with I ngestion-'is what I -refer to as the
DIGESTION PHASE. What we absorb through
experience is assimilated or digested to become an
additional' part oftheresevoirthat already exists
in us. If you don't like to think of your unconscious
as some bottomless well, with-in you, assimilating
and storing experience for future use, then call it
memory; and let us saythatdur'ing the DIGESTION
phase newly absorbed material is being systematically
filed and c1'oss-filed for future use.
If I suddenly look square to you, it's because you
now know that I'm really a filing cabinet.
The need· for this second-Pliase, forgivIng too
writer or artist an opportunity to sift·and sort and
cross reference material before he iseveri aware
that the process is going on is why creative people
(without quite knowiIlg why) elal110r constantly for
more time on assignments. A Contact mall Inight
say flippantly, "So how long does it take to dash
off a paragraph of copy?" It is not the dashing off
that takes time. A typist can dash off a paragraph
of copy in 4 minutes flat. A writer, needs time to set
the inner Inechanismsin motion to let the unconscious
"sorter", sort-out useful material from the past.

to tomorrow.

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