



>>このモービル・キャンペーンにまつわる、「L. シローイッツ氏のスピーチ


事前の計画も少し--- 前もってルートを調べておけば、どこかの交差点で急にストップして、どちらの方向へ行くか迷わずに済みます。後からは、たくさんの車がスピードをあげて迫っている時です。
耳新しい、完ぺきな救命方法をお望みですか? 警官に後をつけられてる時の気持ちで運転しなさい---運転中はつねにです。

ビル  あなたに生きていていただきたい。 

To the more than 460 people who are doomed to die this holiday weekend:
Maybe we can help one of you to live. 

We regret to inform you that you're one of at least 460 people (the toll could reach 540) who won't live to see May 31st.
All because you'll be driving just as carefully as usualon a weekend when you have to drive twice as carefuly as usual.
Don't start telling yourself it won't happen to you. None of the people who died last Memorial Day excepted to die last Memorial Day.
If you don't like to think of yourself lying on a highway whit a blanket over your face, then do something to keep it from happening.
For instance, today is only Tuesday. You still have plenty of time to bring your car in for a safety check.(What's the sense of being a good driver if the car won't do what you what you want it to?)
Have the brakes, tires, steering mechanism, windshield wiper blades, headlights, and signal lights checked. If anything needs fixing, fix it. If you don't have seat belt, have them installed. And use them.
Do a little planning:
Work out your route in advance. Then you won't have to stop suddenly at some intersection to figure out which way to turn. While a pack of cars speeds up on you from behind.
Here's a thought to consider if you're going visiting: Call ahead and say you'll get there an hour or two later than the trip should actually take. Then, if you really get delayed, you won't kill yourself trying you keep your friends from worrying about you.
When you're all set to go make sure you're all set to go; If you are sick enough to be taking medicine, you ma be too sick to drive. Don't be ashamed to your doctor what your pills can do to your reflexes.
Want a brand new, all-purpose rule? Just handle your car the way you would if you were being tailed by a cop.
Every inch of the way.
And, as far as the drinking goes, even if you're dying for couple of beers(or anythings) forget it. They aren't worth dying for.
Finally, don't stake your life on the ractions of other driver's. It's safer to assume that they're all homicidal maniacs .(Some of them will be.)
Stay sharp this weekend. You'll stay alive that way. And that's exactly what we had i n mind;
When you buy gas or oil at one of our service stations, we'd like to think you'll make it all the way to our next service station.

Mobil We want you to live.