>>このモービル・キャンペーンにまつわる、「L. シローイッツ氏のスピーチ」
疲労回復剤は服用しない。(薬が効いている時はいいが、きれると眠気はさらに強まり、疲れは激しくなる) 。
普通ベッドに入る時刻より3時間以上遅くには運転しない。 (10中9人の運転者が御しがたい眠気に襲われるのがこの時刻)。
特に眠気に襲われたら あくび、目がかすんでくる、頭が重くなってくる--- 車を止めて休憩所かモーテルにとぴこむ。どうしても仮眠が必要なのにそうする場所がどこにもをかぅたら、お近くのモービルのサービス・ステーションまでお越しください。 これほど平和なやすらぎを味わえるところはないでしょうよ。モービル あなたに生きていていただきたい。
Rest in Peace.
---It's such a nice. pleasant sensation to feel yourself drifting off to dreamland ---
Last year, New York reported that sleeping behind the wheel caused 2,428 accidents in which 1,552 people were injured and 51 people were killed.---as little by little. your cares fall away from you and the harsh, cruel world fades away into nothingness ---
Last year, Wisconsin reported that 1,416 drivers fell asleep at the wheel. As a result, 706 people were injured and 29 people were killed.
---and the dreams you dream; smiling faces. musical voices, bright, cheerful surroundings; wouldn't it be nice to sleep just one minute more?---
Last year, Pennsylvania reported 3,837 accidents caused by sleepy drivers. Of these,I,949 resulted in personal injury and 101 were fatal.
Drowsing off behind the wheel is a deadly form of sleeping sickness for which there are unfortunately no immunization shots, But it can be guarded against---if you know how. Here's how:
Before you get behind the wheel---
Don't eat anextra heavy meal.
Don't have one for the road.
Don't start a long trip at night.
Avoid night driving whenever feasible.
Don't start a trip feeling tired,
Don't take pep pills. (They affect your vision and judgment while they're working, leave you sleepier and more tired than you would have been without them when they stop working.)
Don't take tranquilizers.
While you're on the road---
Keep one window open at all times.
Stop at least once an hour to stretch your legs.
Don't drive more than 3 hours after your normal bedtime. (Driving 3 hours after one's normal bedtime produces an almost uncontrollable drowsiness in 9 out of 10 drivers.)
Don't play lulling music on your radio.
Above all---
At the first hint of sleepiness---the first yawn, the first blurred vision, the first feeling of heavyheadedness---get off the road and into a rest area or a motel. And if you're ever in a spot where you need a little steep and you can't find a spot, settle for the nearest Mobil station where you can climb into the back of your car and grab 40winks. It won't be the most peaceful rest you've ever had.
But you've got plenty of time for that.
Mobil We want you to live