>>このモービル・キャンペーンにまつわる、「L. シローイッツ氏のスピーチ」
『若者』のこの馬鹿げたゲームでは、2台の車が対向して、猛スピー ドで飛ばしていたのです。正面衝突。
そしてこれが私たちの払う代価です。1965年には、自動車事故によって15才から24才までの若者が13,200人も死んでいるのです。 (1966年の正確な死者数はまだ出ていませんが、おそらく、もっと高いものになるでしょう)。
あなたの学校の図書館、あるいは公共図書館に運転に関する本がありますか? (あなたはそういう種類の本があることを知っていましたか? あなたの周囲の人も知っているでしょうか?)
あなたの州では、運転免許証をとるために要求される条件は、大変をものですか? あなたのラジオやテレビ局は、その間題に何らかの関心を払っていますか? 新聞は?
あなたの居住地域には、優良逓転者に賞を与える人がいますか? PTAは? ボーイ・スカウトは?
あなた自身はどういう種類の運転者ですか? よい模範を示す運転者ですか? それとも悪い方の運転者ですか?
モービルは、ガソリンとオイルを私たちの生計のために、生きている人たちにお売りしています。 だから当然、若者たちが成長して私たちの顧客になってくださることを望んでいます。しかし、今のところは、若者たちが死なないでただ大きくなるということだけで満足なのです。
モービル あなたに生きていていただきたい。
Fresh-killed chickin.
Let's hear itfor the winner.
That's him lying there-the dead one.
Or is he the loser?
You can't tell. Not that it matters very much. Because in the idiot game oi "chicken."winners and losers both die.
In the idiot game of "chicken." two cars speed straight for each other. Head on.
With luck. one car steers clear in the nick of time.
Without luck. neither car steers clear. And the winner and the loser are equally dead.
Some "game."
It took God Almighty to stop Abraham from making a blood sacrifice of his son.
What do you Suppose it will take to make us stop sacrificing our children?
We who bear them in sterilized hospitals, stuff them with Vitamins, educate them expensively. and then hand over the keys to the car and wait with our hearts in our mouths.
Too bad we educate them only to make a living and not to stay alive.
Because right now-this year-car accidents kill more young people than anything else. Including war. Including cancer. Including anything.
Yet we allow it.
Incredibly enough, fewer, than half the young people who get drivers' licenses every year have passed adriver training course.
Which leaves well over 2 million (!) youngsters who get licenses every year without passing such a course.
And this is the price we pay: 13,200 young people between 15 and 24 died in automobile accidents in 1965. (The exact number for 1966 isn't in yet; it will probably be higher.)
It's a gruesome answer to the population explosion.
And if we all sit still about it, we ourselves are quilty of "chickening out."
Yet we mustn't frighten our youngsters; they're frightened enough.
We must teach them.
Does your school system have a driver training course?
Are there books in your school library or public library on driving? (Did you know such books exist?
Do they know?)
Are the requirements for getting a driver's license in you in state tough enough?
Are your radio and TV stations paying any attention to the problem? Your newspapers?
Does anyone in your community give awalds for good driving? The PTA? Or the Boy Scouts? The Chamber of Commerce? The churches or sinagogues?
What kind of driver are you yourself? Do you set a good example or a poor one?
Would your company insist on a driver training course before they'd hire someone?
Would your schools insist on a training before they'd tum ayoungster loose?
Would it help?
Yes, it would. Education works. Drivers in large truck fleets are trained to drive safely. And some of them have dropped accident rates to only about half that of the general public,
It would cost little or nothing to get these things going. And we haven't a minute to spare. It's blood that 'We have on our hands, not time.
we at Mobil sell gasoline and oil for our living to the living. Naturally, we'd like young people to grow up into custmers. But for now we'd be hlppy, If they'd simply grow up.
Mobil We want you to live.