(506)Best 10 ads of Mobil that chuukyuu chose (2)
1. 窓を開けはなして、新鮮な空気を顔に当てる方法。爽快です。
2. 最低2時間に1回、クルマを駐車場に寄せて止まる方法。ただし、ごまかしはダメ。クルマから出て(たとえ雨でもです)クルマの周囲を22、3回まわし)ましょう。
3. ラジオで嫌いな音楽を聴く方法。オペラ・ファンならロックンロールを。逆ならそのように。それも少しうるさ目にかける。
4. なにかを気に病む方法。交通事故よりはガンの方がいいでしょう。
5. コーヒー沸かしを携帯する方法。クルマをとめても飲めない場合を考えて。
6. 百万ドルの使い道を考える方法。
7. 時々座り直す方法。上下、または前後に。
8. ポテト・チップスかプレッツェルみたいな音のする食べ物を買って、バリバリやる方法
9. 1時間ぐらいスーパー-ハイウェイを外れてわき道をゆく方法。美しい田園風景がひろがっています。それにうまくいけば通行料金を払わなくてすむかもしれない。
10. ちっぽけを料金受取所が集める金額を数えあげて怒る方法。
11. 独立宣言書をどの程度暗誦できるか、大声でやってみる方法。
12. 雨なら、ラジオがコマーシャルを流すたびにワイパーのスピードを変える方法。忙しすぎますか? それでは一度おきに。
13. 前を行くクルマが急停車したり、タイヤがパンクしたらどうするか? 自分のクルマがパンクしたら? と考える方法。役に立ちます。
14. ガソリン・スタンドに寄って、スタンドマンに話しかけてもらう方法。日を覚ましたいんだといって。
15. 棒チョコをポリポリやる方法。ウエストが気にならなければ2本どうぞ。
16. 警笛を鳴らす方法。本気で、時に冗談で。騒音は効き目があります。
17. もう17条ぐらい目覚まし法を考えて、ご自分で試してみなさい。
and how to snap out of it.
One of the worst things that happens on the highway is that nothing happens.
You just drive and drive and drive and drive and drive yourself into a trance.
You become less alert because there seems to be less to be alert about.
And just then-when nothing is happening-anything can happen.
Unfortunately, it's very hard to get unstupefied. The trick is not to get stupefied in the first place.
Here are 17 simple ways to do it.
1 Keep a window open. Let the the fresh air hit your face, it will do you good.
2 Pull into s rest area and stop at least every two hours. Don't cheat. Get out (even if it's raining)and walk around the car, a few times.
3 PLay music you don't like on your radio. If you're an opera fan, play rock'n'roll. And vice versa. And a little too loud.
4 Worry about something. An ulcer is better than an accidet.
5 Take a thermos of coffee in case you can't get some when you stop.
6. Figure out what you'd do with a million dollars.
7. Change the position of your seat every now and then. Up and down, back and forth.
8. Buy some noisy food like potato chips or pretzels. Munch.
9 Take a side road instead of a superhighway for an hour or so. There's a lot of beautiful country out there. And with any luck, you may beat a toll.
10. Try to add up all the money they take in at one little toll booth. Get angry.
11. See how much of the Declaration of independence you can recite out loud.
12. If it's raining, change the speed of your windshield wipers every time you hear a commercial on the radio. Too often? O.K. Every other time.
13. Imagine what you would do if the car in front of you stopped short or had a blowout. Or if you had a blowout. It's good practice.
14. Pull into a service station and ask the attendant to talk you. Tell him you want to wake up.
15. eat a chocolate bar for the quick energy. If you're not worried about your waistline, have two.
16. Blow your horn at something, real or imagined. Noise helps.
17. Dream up 17 more ways to stay alert and use them on yourself. Or send to at Mobil. 150 East 42nd Street. New York .N.Y.l0017. and we'll make up another ad on the subject.
We at Mobil are running these advertisements for several reasons:
One is that we hope you'll llal we hope you'. stop in for gasoline and oil at any of the 27.000 Mobil stations across the country. We think that you'll be pleased with our products and with the people who sell them.
But above all, we want to be helpful, whether or not you stop in for gasoline or this time.
We want to do all we can to make sure you'll be around to try us next time.
Mobil We want you to live.
あなたが今、40歳なら、あと人生はまだ31年あります。 31年というのは1,600万分にあたります。
賭け 得点 負け いちゃつきながら運転 スリルは増大 命がけ 飲酒運転 気持リラックス 命がけ 眠いまま運転 男らしさ証明 命がけ 信号待ちの後
真先にとび出す勝利感 命がけ センターラインを
はみ出ての追い越し道路の王様気分 命がけ 坊主タイヤで
あと1ヶ月走行得るものなし 命がけ
さあ、このゲームを続ける理由が見つかりましたか? これは、あなたがせっかく得たものをとっておくこすらできないゲームなんですよ。あなたは一度その賭けにノックアウトされた瞬間、たった一つのものを永遠に失わなければならないのです。
あなたにギャンブルの習慣があることと、私たちのビジネスとは無縁ともいえましょう。しかし、モービルでは、あなたに生きていていただくためにガソリンとオイルをお売りしているのです。そして、アメリカン・ルーレットのようなよくないもののためにお客さまがいなくなるのをただと立って見ているというのは難しいことです。少なくとも、そのゲームを壊そうともしないで、はね。モービル あなたに生きていていただきたい。
American Roulette.
What sucks you into the game of American Roulette is that it seems so penny-ante,
Until you look at the odds:
If you're 40 years old, you have a life expectancy of 31 years to go, There are 16 million minutes in 31 years. So when you gamble with your life to gain a minute, you're actually giving odds of 16 million to 1.
Would you do that with money?
Of course, there are other prizes to be won, besides a minute here and a minute there, when you play American Roulette, We've listed afew of them below, Measure the possible gain against the possible loss and you'll see what a sucker's game it really is,
LOSSNecking and driving Added kicks Your life A drink or two for the road A relexed feeling Your life Refusing pull over when you are sleepy Proof of menhood Your life First out of the parking lot Victory Your life Bulling the slowpokes out of your lane King of the road Your life Riding another month on bald tires Nothing Your life
Is there any point in continuing? This is a game where you can't even put away your winnings, You just have to lose once to be knocked out of the game for keeps.
Your gambling habits would normally be none of our business, But we at Mobil sell gasoline and oil for a living, and it's hard to just stand around losing customers to a shady operation like American Roulette. Without at least trying to break up the game.Mobil We want you to live.
以下は簡単にできる8つの方法です-----(1) 出発前に10セント・ストアーへ行って手軽なおもゃ、絵本、マジック板、ゲームかパズルなどを買ってきます。それを別々に包んで順々に渡してやるんですね。
(2) いちばん大きい子をナビゲーターに仕立てるんです。いっしょに地図をあたったり、ルートをマークさせたり、道路標識や町名、川やおもしろそうなところを確認させましょう(あなたが方向オンチなら、とくに上策ですね)。
(3) 旅行のスクラップ・ブック係に子どもを任命しなさい。車を停めたら絵はがき、マッチ、メニュー、そのはか記念になるものを集めさせましょう。車に帰ってきた子どもたちに、それらをスクラップブックに整理させるのです。
(4) 「ガタン数え」というゲームをさせます。子どもたちに目をつむらせ、車が穴ぼこにガタンとおちる回数を勘定させるんです。(声を出して数えたら反則。口の中で勘定することと決めておきましょう)。
(5) 「ガタン数え」にあきたら、ほかのものを数えさせましょう。なんをだってかまいません。赤い車、青いの、パトカー、乗用車、女性が運転しているの---。適当にみつけてやらせるんですね。
(6) バスケットを持っていく法。靴の箱でもいいでしょう。中は糸巻き、ひも、虫めがね、パイプそうじゃなんか、がらくたをつめてかくんです。遊び方は、子どものほうで勝手に考えだしてくれますよ。
(7) 後部席に仮眠用のべットをつくってやりましょう。スーツケースを床に置いてシートと同じ高さにすれば、簡単につくれます(をにはともあれいつも使っている毛布とまくらだけは忘れないこと。
(8) だんまりっこ競争。だれがいちばん長く黙ってられるかを競います。
8 cheap ways to shut the kids up when you're driving.
orse than that, it can drive you into a ditch or a tree or head-on into another car.
The trick is to do something about it before you leave. Later may be too late.
Here are 8 possibitities:1. Before you start out on a trip, go to the dime store and buy some soft toys, coloring books, magic slates, games or puzzles. Wrap them individuaIJy and give them out along the way.
2. Make the oldest kid the Navigator. Go over the map with him, mark the route, and let him watch for road signs, towns, rivers and places' of interest. (This is an especially good idea if you're not too good at it yourself.)
3. Have the kids keep a Scrap Book of the trip. When you stop, let them collect postcards, match covers, menus and other souvenirs. When they get back in the car, they can paste them in the Scrap Book.
4.Play a game called Count Bumps. The kids cover their eyes and count the bumps the car goes over. (Make a rule that they nave to count to themselves, not out loud.)
5. When they get tired of counting bumps, get them to count something else. Anything else. Red cars. Blue cars. Police cars. Stars. Women drivers. Anything. Anything.
6. Take along a Junk: Box. It can be a shoe box full of spools, string, a magnifying glass, pipe cleaners, any old things. The kids will make up their own games to play with the junk.
7. Make a bed in the back for naps. You can do this easily by putting suitcases on the floor to level with the seat. (Whatever you do, don't forget favorite blankets and pillows.)
8. Suggest a game of Keep Quiet. Whoever keeps quiet longest wins.
If you have some pet ways of your own (leaving the kids at home doesn't count), let us in on them. Send them to Mobil, 150 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. 10017 and maybe we'll pass them along in another ad.
Mobil We want you to live.
サア大変 危機一髪!
(1) ブレーキから足を離す。
(2) アクセルから足を離す。ただしゆっくりと。
(3) さて、次が肝心なところ。ハンドルを少し右に切る。つまり、クルマがスリップする前に向かっていた方向に切るのです。
(1) ブレーキから足を離す。
(2) アクセルから足を離す。
(3) 目的の方向にクルマのハンドルを切る。ゆっくりと。この辺のカンをよく呑みこむこと。もし、クルマの車首が左に曲りかけたら、ハンドルを心持ち右に切る。逆も同じ。これをクルマが元に戻るまで続けます。
当社の製品を試す機会がなければ、永遠にその優秀性は分らず終わりになってしまうでしょうから。モービル あなたに生きていていただきたい
How to skid and love to tell the tale.
Oh boy. Are you in trouble!
You're driving the car in this picture and you're up against it. This is what to do,
1. Take your foot off the brake.
2. Take your foot off the gas. Slowly.
3. Now this is touchy . Torn your wheels a little to the right, in other words, steer the back to the way you were going.
No, No, No. That's too much. Just touch. That's it. Now you're straightening out.
But now the car's going the other way, O.k. Easy does it. Turn in the direction you want the car to go.
It's the logical thing to do.
As long as you keep skidding, keep pointing the car where you want it to be. But do it gently. Anything sudden makes everything worse.
We wish we could say, that this method does works every time you get into trouble.
Unfortunately, it doesn't; no method does.
But it can get you out of a tough spot. And it can keep a skid from going out of control alltogether.
So let's try it again. Act it out. Right now, wherever you are. Never mind how silly you look.
1. Take your foot off the brake.
2. Take your foot off the gas.
3, Steerthe car back where you want it to go. Easy.
Easy. Get the feel of it. If the front of the car is going to the left, nudge it over to the right. And vice versa, until you straighten out.
We at Mobil hope that you'll drive csarefully enough in bad weather to keep from skidding in thre first place.
But skidding does happen.
And we want you to know how to handle a skid because you'll nrver find out how good our products are if you aren't here to try them,
Mobil We want you to live.死が2人を引き裂くまで
けだけ多く見てきたことか? あるいはあなたと自身が恋を楽しんできたことか? 死と肩を並べている生活に馴れっこになってしまったからでしょうか?
もし、 毎年14,450人にのぼる若者が交通事故で死んでいくとしたら、これはベトナムでの若い犠牲者数をはるかに上回ることになるのです。
彼らは大パカ者で勉強できないというのですか? 利口すぎて、分かりきったルールに従うことなどできないというのですか? 自信過剰になるのでしょうか? なさすぎるのでしょうか? あるいは、単に未熟な若者だからなのでしらょうか?
モービル あなたに生きていていただきたい。
Till death us do part.
It may be beautiful to die for love in a poem.
But it's ugly and stupid to die for love in a car.
Yet how many times have you seen (or been) a couple more interested in passion than in passing ? Too involved with living to worry about dying?
As a nation, we are allowing our young to be buried in tons of steel. And not only the reckless lovers---the just plain nice kids as well.
Everyone is alarmed about it. No one really knows what to do. And automobile accidents, believe it or not, continue to be the leadling cause of death among young people between 15 and 24 years of age.
Parents are alarmed and hand over the keys to the car anyway.
Insurance companies are alarmed and charge enormous rates which deter no one.
Even statisticians (who don't alarm easiIy) are alarmed enough to tell us that by 1970, 14,450 young adults will die in cars each year.
(Just to put those 14,450 young lives in perspective, that is far more than the number of young lives we have lost so far in Viet Nam.)
Is it for this that we spent our dimes and dollars to all but wipe out polio? Is it for this that medical science conquered diphtheria and smallpox?
What kind of society is it that keeps its youngsters alive only long enough to sacrifice them on the highway? .
Yet that is exactly what's happening. And it's incredible.
Young people should be the best drivers, not the worst.
They have the sharper eyes, the steadier nerves, the quicker reflexes. They probably even have the better understanding of how a car works;
So why?
Are they too dense to learn ? Too smart to obey the obvious rules? Too sure of themselves? Too un-sure? Or simply too young and immature?
How can we get them to be old enough to be wise enough before it's too late?
One way is by insisting on better driver training programs in school. Or after school. Or after work. Or during summers. By having stricter licensing requirements. By rewarding the good drivers instead of merely punishing the bad ones. By having uniform national driving laws (which don't exist today). By having radio and TV and the press deal more with the problem. By getting you to be less complacent.
Above all, by setting a decent example ourselves.
Nobody can stop young people from driving. And nobody should. Quite the contrary. The more exposed they become to sound driving techniques, the better they're going to be. (Doctors and lawyers "practice;" why not drivers?)
We at Mobil are not preachers or teachers. We sell gasoline and oil for a living and we want everyone to be a potential customer.
If not today, tomorrow. And we want everyone, young and old, to have his fair share of tomorrows.
Mobil We want you to live.
★ ★ ★