1. 窓を開けはなして、新鮮な空気を顔に当てる方法。爽快です。
2. 最低2時間に1回、クルマを駐車場に寄せて止まる方法。ただし、ごまかしはダメ。クルマから出て(たとえ雨でもです)クルマの周囲を22、3回まわし)ましょう。
3. ラジオで嫌いな音楽を聴く方法。オペラ・ファンならロックンロールを。逆ならそのように。それも少しうるさ目にかける。
4. なにかを気に病む方法。交通事故よりはガンの方がいいでしょう。
5. コーヒー沸かしを携帯する方法。クルマをとめても飲めない場合を考えて。
6. 百万ドルの使い道を考える方法。
7. 時々座り直す方法。上下、または前後に。
8. ポテト・チップスかプレッツェルみたいな音のする食べ物を買って、バリバリやる方法
9. 1時間ぐらいスーパー-ハイウェイを外れてわき道をゆく方法。美しい田園風景がひろがっています。それにうまくいけば通行料金を払わなくてすむかもしれない。
10. ちっぽけを料金受取所が集める金額を数えあげて怒る方法。
11. 独立宣言書をどの程度暗誦できるか、大声でやってみる方法。
12. 雨なら、ラジオがコマーシャルを流すたびにワイパーのスピードを変える方法。忙しすぎますか? それでは一度おきに。
13. 前を行くクルマが急停車したり、タイヤがパンクしたらどうするか? 自分のクルマがパンクしたら? と考える方法。役に立ちます。
14. ガソリン・スタンドに寄って、スタンドマンに話しかけてもらう方法。日を覚ましたいんだといって。
15. 棒チョコをポリポリやる方法。ウエストが気にならなければ2本どうぞ。
16. 警笛を鳴らす方法。本気で、時に冗談で。騒音は効き目があります。
17. もう17条ぐらい目覚まし法を考えて、ご自分で試してみなさい。
CW: Robert Levenson
AD: Leonard Sirowitz
Photo: Horn/Griner
and how to snap out of it.
One of the worst things that happens on the highway is that nothing happens.
You just drive and drive and drive and drive and drive yourself into a trance.
You become less alert because there seems to be less to be alert about.
And just then-when nothing is happening-anything can happen.
Unfortunately, it's very hard to get unstupefied. The trick is not to get stupefied in the first place.
Here are 17 simple ways to do it.
1 Keep a window open. Let the the fresh air hit your face, it will do you good.
2 Pull into s rest area and stop at least every two hours. Don't cheat. Get out (even if it's raining)and walk around the car, a few times.
3 PLay music you don't like on your radio. If you're an opera fan, play rock'n'roll. And vice versa. And a little too loud.
4 Worry about something. An ulcer is better than an accidet.
5 Take a thermos of coffee in case you can't get some when you stop.
6. Figure out what you'd do with a million dollars.
7. Change the position of your seat every now and then. Up and down, back and forth.
8. Buy some noisy food like potato chips or pretzels. Munch.
9 Take a side road instead of a superhighway for an hour or so. There's a lot of beautiful country out there. And with any luck, you may beat a toll.
10. Try to add up all the money they take in at one little toll booth. Get angry.
11. See how much of the Declaration of independence you can recite out loud.
12. If it's raining, change the speed of your windshield wipers every time you hear a commercial on the radio. Too often? O.K. Every other time.
13. Imagine what you would do if the car in front of you stopped short or had a blowout. Or if you had a blowout. It's good practice.
14. Pull into a service station and ask the attendant to talk you. Tell him you want to wake up.
15. eat a chocolate bar for the quick energy. If you're not worried about your waistline, have two.
16. Blow your horn at something, real or imagined. Noise helps.
17. Dream up 17 more ways to stay alert and use them on yourself. Or send to at Mobil. 150 East 42nd Street. New York .N.Y.l0017. and we'll make up another ad on the subject.
We at Mobil are running these advertisements for several reasons:
One is that we hope you'll llal we hope you'. stop in for gasoline and oil at any of the 27.000 Mobil stations across the country. We think that you'll be pleased with our products and with the people who sell them.
But above all, we want to be helpful, whether or not you stop in for gasoline or this time.
We want to do all we can to make sure you'll be around to try us next time.
Mobil We want you to live.