前月この種の事故で、37,000人以上もの死者を出しました。57,000余の多くの死者は、自分勝手なドライバーによってTなさされたのでしょうか? それとも無作法をドライバーによって? あるいは、エレベーターやスーパーマーケットの中で人を押したお
しのけたりするドライバーによって? あるいは、ドアを大きな音をさせて閉めたり、人の顔にたばこの煙を吹きかけるようなドライバーによってでしょうか?
You drive like the man you really are.
Drive behind a man for ten minutes and you can probably decided whether to hire him, fire him, marry him, divorce him or have him put away.
And it follows that he who follows you can make the same decisions.
Driving seems to bring out the worst in us more often than best.
We reveal secrets to strangers that we wouldn't tell to our best friends. Or even admit to ourselves.
So that's the first step, isn't it?
Before we fum the key, we ought to take a good , deep look into ourselves and admit that we could be better.
Not only as drivers. As people.
We are not talking about screwballs or maniacs. We are talking about everyday people doing everyday driving.
So, it's important for you to know that the great majority of accidents happen to our experienced drivers, travelling at moderate speeds, who never had an accident before.
Indeed, more than three-quarters of car fatalities occur on nice, dry roads within 25 miles of home.
Three-quarters of car fatalities last year added up to more than 37,000 dead people.
How many of the 37,000-plus deaths were caused by the piggish drivers? The rude ones? The ones who push and shove in elevators and supermarkets? The ones who are either slamming doors or blowing cigar smoke in your face?
We'll neither know. Autopsies don't tell us anything bout common courtesy.
We do know that driving is a chance for the good guys of the world to win for a change. Simply by setting a decent example.
The man who says " After you" is more likely to get where he's going than one who says " Nuts to you." "Nice guys may finish last. But they finish."
We at Mobil are not amateur psychiatrists or amateur preachers.
We are professional sellers of gasoline and oil. We see all kinds of people in our business and we want to keep seeing them.
Respectfully, we urge every driver on the road to take that good. deep look inside himself before the coroner dose it for him.
Mobil We want you to live.