なんという飛躍! 竹久夢二が描くような女性か赤十字の+赤マークのイラストレイションしか思いつかない貧弱な頭を、ガツンとやられた、微苦笑のこちら。
C/W フィリス・ロビンソン Phyllis Robinson
A/D ボブ・ゲイジ Bob Gage
Foto ウィリアム・ヘルバーン William Helburn
"The NewYorker" 1962.04.28
"LIFE" 1962.04.20
訳は、東海大学 政治経済学部 経営学科の
Who's helping to send TB patients back home?
The tubercular bacillus is a tough bug --- and an elusive one. Even streptomycin can't go to work on it until the bacilli have actually broken down the body cells. By then it's often too late to do a real clean-up job. Besides, these bacilli are very tricky types. Hit them again and again with an antibiotic and they'll actually change their structure so the drug can't affect them. (And if even one in a million bacilli resists treatment, the disease may flare up all over again.)
Problem: how to tackle tuberculosis inside the cell.
The Squibb Division of Olin pioneered in providing the answer: Nydrazid, a powerful antituberculosis drug with molecules so small they can travel anywhere in the body, even into the cell. Used early enough, as part of the drug therapy, Nydrazid has helped keep the disease from spreading and slowed down bacterial resistance. Patients have been able to leave the hospital sooner and continue treatment under their doctors' care at home.
Partly through the use of Nydrazid, deaths from TB in this country dropped 60% in 8 years. Best news of all, perhaps, is the recent indication that Nydrazid, administered to the exposed families of TB patients, may actually prevent TB.
Another creative solution to a problem... from the Squibb Division of Olin.
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