"New Yorker"誌1959年8月1日号("LIFE"誌は8月3日号)から始まり16年間つづいたVWオールド・ビートルのシリーズは、いまなお、世界中の広告クリエイターを水先案内しています。
[ニョーヨーカー・アーカイブ]によるVWビートル・シリーズ(総索引) ←クリック
C/W ボブ・レブンソン
A/D ヘルムート・クローン
The series of the VW beetle that continued for the start 16 years from "Newyorker" magazine August 1, 1959 is a model of an advertising creator still all over the world now.
Being able a deliberate mark of the campaign ↓ was done by 'New Yorker archive' of.
Ads Series for VW beetle on[New Yorker's Archives](An index)←click
In addition, it picked it up from "LIFE" magazine and others this time.
N.Y in the 1960's . It drank and the seal of "Save Water" was pasted to the faucet of water service in hotel's dressing room.
Presented by Volkswsagen, the car with the air-cooled enfgine that doesn't use any.
C/W Bob Levenson
A/D Helmut Krone