(767)VWオールド・ビートル、 拾遺(11)
"New Yorker"誌1959年8月1日号("LIFE"誌は8月3日号)から始まり16年間つづいたVWオールド・ビートルのシリーズは、いまなお、世界中の広告クリエイターの励ましとなっています。
[ニョーヨーカー・アーカイブ]によるVWビートル・シリーズ(総索引) ←クリック
私たちの作品。 誰かさんの作品。
ご自身の作品をおつくりになりたい? 簡単です、1899ドルでかないます。野獣ふうになさるのもご自由です。
"LIFE" 1970.05.15
The series of the VW beetle that continued for the start 16 years from "Newyorker" magazine August 1, 1959 is a model of an advertising creator still all over the world now.
Being able a deliberate mark of the campaign ↓ was done by 'New Yorker archive' of.
Ads Series for VW beetle on[New Yorker's Archives](An index)←click
In addition, it picked it up from "LIFE" magazine and others this time.
We do our thing.
The funny thing is, we didn't even know we had a "thing".
We've been perfecting one car for 25 years, steering clear of the idiocy of annual model changes.
Our only worry has been how to make the work. better, not look different.
And we haven't done badly at all: The 1970 VW is faster and quieter with a longer lasting engine than any other beetle.
But you still need a scorecard to tell the '70 from other years. Or any year from any other year.
Nobody in the world makes and services a car as well as we do. Because nobody's' been doing it as long on one model.
We still use old-fashioned words like "nifty," "peachy" and "swell".
And we stick to old-fashioned ideas like craftsmanship and dedication and skill.
You do yours.
Then, for $1839*, our thing becomes your thing. And what happens is wild.
People treat VWs like something else.
They polish them, scrub them, stripe them and flower them in very far-out ways.
Why? Why mostly on Volkswagens?
We think it's affection, pure and simple.
A VW is a new member of the family who happens to live in the garage.
And when a VW moves in, people flip out.
Driving a VW, we are told, is a groove.
You don't get zapped with freaky running costs. Or zonked with kinky maintenance bills. Or clobbered with crazy depreciation.
We've built the VW durably enough to withstand heat, cold, flood, snow, sand, mud.
Yet it's durable enough to withstand a whole new generation.
Maybe you thought we were in a rut. When all the time we were really in the groove.
"LIFE" 1970.05.15