'Sellin Is Right at the Top of Our List, Always'(2)
Senior Vic-Presodent, New Copy Chief
Mr.John Noble
(DDB NEWS January,1975)
"Selling is right at the top of our list, always," says John. "I don't think there's anyone here who feels any different.
Creativity comes in as a big bonus.
"One of the greatest satisfactions I've had in this business is the campaign for Polaroid's SX-70. A lot of people say that if you take a person, no matter who it is, Sir Laurence Olivier, whoever, and you sit him down and have him demonstrate your product-that is not creativity.
"I've done a lot of commercials for Volkswagen where we've thought up the craziest situations-going to the moon,
having a funeral procession-and yet, when I laok at the commercials with Olivier, where he for sixty seconds does
nothing more than demonstrate that product, I get a great feeling of creativity and joy.
"To restrain yourself and to realize you had a fantastic product and a fantastic talent and no matter what wild situation you could ever drum up, it would never be better than that, is a great satisfaction. "
John hopes to foster even more of a competitive spirit among copywriters at DDB.
"We must believe in what we do. Stick with it and fight for it. Not give in and not give up. We need competition to stay healthy as an agency. Personally, I've always found a good fight much more rewarding than a bad ad."
It's really not much of a contes!.
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The pen undoubtedly is one of the great inventions of all time.
Unfortunately, its greatness diminishes as soon as some people pick it up.art director: Allan Buitekant
demonstration by Sir Laurence Olivier,
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art director:Bob Gage