

An interview with Mr.Jerry Della Femina (4)

Della Femina Travisano & Partners, Inc. President

<<An interview with Mr.Jerry Della Femina(1)

chuukyuu Somebody told me that if a secretary wants to become a copywriter, what kind of course does she have to have.

Mr.Femina She has to be beautiful? Ha ha ha ha ha. No. She just has to·
try to work up some advertising, show me that she can do it, that she,
can think. All she has to do is prove it......

chuukyuu So you're not using the so-called seniority system?

Mr.Femina Anybody can work, I mean, anybody's idea works.

chuukyuu That means you don't respect of sex, age, religion and so forth.

Mr.Femina It doesn't matter what they are. If a gorilla came to the door
and looked like he could write, I would give him a pencil and leave him alone. I don't care who does it and I don't care also where the idea comes from. At a coffee shop, if a lady who delivers our coffee suddenly turns and says, "I have a good idea for this particular client.", I'll takeit.
Because I want good ideas and I don't care where they come from.
There's no worry about where ideas are coming from.

chuukyuu Do you believe in him or her?

Mr.Femina They have to prove it. They have to show me an example of their work and if their work is good and they can have a job.
