An interview with Mr.Jerry Della Femina(10)
Della Femina Travisano & Partners, Inc. President
<<An interview with Mr.Jerry Della Femina(1)
chuukyuu What are your opinions concerning the future development in the circles of American advertislng?
Mr.Femina Well,we're going to revolution.
Everybody is going to revolution.
chuukyuu ln what way?
Mr.Femina lt's the changing of hands.
The young taking over from the old.
We too will get old some day but right now, instead ofthe older group handing it down to us, they're holding on to it and we try to rest it in other hands.
So it's a revolution.
We represent a diferent type of advertislng, a much more honest type of advertislng.
And we're going to get stronger.
Someday we too will get older and we probably will try to hold on too.
But we're golng to get stronger because we're right.
We know what's right, we do what's right and we sell our advertising itself.
And larger agencies, no matter how big and how powerful they are now, will slowly start to lose that power, and small agencies like ours and other's, there are many others, will just come right over and take over.
There's going to be a change in the face of advertising.
We're going to be more honest.