

An interview with Mr.Jerry Della Femina(7)

Della Femina Travisano & Partners, Inc. President

<<An interview with Mr.Jerry Della Femina(1)

chuukyuu Incidentally, you have mentioned, some time ago, about the professional test advertisement, could you repeat the content of your professional test advertisement here?

Mr.Femina It was the analogy about, if I remember it correctly, It was "Does it get someone's attention ?".
First of all, the first most important thing is "Does it stop people ?", because you've got to realize that nobody ever bought a magazine to read your ad. So my first job is to stop somebody.
When I look at an ad, I would say will it stop people or will people stop and read that because it's something interesting picture, anything else.

Second, when I stop them, "Have I said enough ?".
If I said enough, they're going to know what the product is. There are so many ad.s that are confusing and they can hardly know what the product is that they're selling.
The second job is to clear the product. "Is it clear? Is it very clear to people?"

And third is the product presented in the best posssble way I can present.
"Is it showing the product in use, how works or showing the benefit?"
There are too many visuals, too many pieces of art.
They are far removed from what the ad itself is.
