


"ugly" シリーズの先駆けとなったな作品"homely"---


どの線も機能が生みだした「結果」です。 ししっ鼻は風の抵抗を少なくしてくれています。車内も内部の活動を考えてつくられています。出っ張るものも何もない。
VWは不恰好でしょうか? あなたの見方にしだいです(それから乗ってる期間にも)。

Do you think the Volkswagen is homely?

The Volkswogen was designed from theinside out.
Every line is a result of function. The snub nose cuts down wind resistance. The body lines hug the interior workings. Nothing protrudes.
One Briton coiled the Volkswagen "a morvelous economy of design."
An Americon owner put it differently. "It' funny:' he said, "how she grows on you. At first you think she's the homeliest thing you ever sow. But pretty soon you get to love her shope. And after awhile, no other car looks right."
The VW defies obsolescence. Yov can hardly lell the doughty shope of a 1950 model from a '61. To suggest altering it is heresy to owners. (Would you change the perfect form of on egg?)
But we are continually making changes you cannot see. Exsample; a new anti-sway bar eliminates sway on curves. Over a hundred such changes sonce 1950, but never in the basic design.
Is the Volkswagen homely? It depends on how you look at it (and how long).