








"The New Yorker" 1964.12.19

翻訳:東海大学 政治経済学部 経営学科 佐藤汰さん

In a land where scrambled eggs
grow on trees, money doesn't have to.
Come to Jamaica and pick your
breakfast right off the limb. Free.
(If you're too dignified to
climb, the most it can cost you
is a shilling lip.)

Shinny up a Scrambled Egg Tree (or, ask one of our army of small, semiprofessional tree climbers to do it for you). And get an armload of Jamaica's ubiquitous national vegetable --- beautiful, ripe ackee. Remove pod, pulp and seeds --- then drop the golden meat right into a pot of boiling water, add salt, and you have a dish that not only looks like scrambled eggs, it tastes like scrambled eggs. (There are a lot of out-of-work chickens in Jamaica these days.) If you don't happen to have a pot with you, you can always jolly the chef at your hotel into preparing your ackee for you. If he's as imaginative as most Jamaicans are with ackee, you'll end up with something more than just plain scrambled eggs. Perhaps Baked Ackee au Gratin, with parmesan, cheddar, milk, light cream and some real eggs. Or an Ackee Souffle, served with a rich curry sauce. Or Ackee, Creole Style, with tomato, sweet pepper, bacon and onion. Or Ackee Canape, sauteed with curry and chopped onion, salt, pepper --- and served on hot buttered toast with anchovy. (If you're too hungry to wait for all the fixings, you can nibble on raw ackee, like a carrot.)
Thirsty? Have a glass of Jamaica no-cow. Milk from the heart of a sweet coconut. (7cent each, from your friendly roadside coconut man.)
Need some bread to complete your meal? Find a breadfruit tree. And roast 'til ready. (In some sections of Jamaica, when the breadfruit is ripe and free for the taking, bakeries have to close down for lack of business.)
How about a lobster for dinner? Strap on your aqualung, mask and fins --- and flutter down to the bottom of transparent blue-green sea. And pluck a big, fat one right off a rock. No charge, compliments of the Caribbean.
For other compliments of the Caribbean, see your travel agent or J amaica Tourist Board, Dept. 6N, 630 Fifth Ave., N.Y.C.

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