


chuukyuu編『アイデア別冊 ミルトン・グレイサー』(1968.06.20)より

"An hour with Milton Glaser"
English follows


ペーパーバック シェイクスピア・シリーズ #163

ミルトン・グレイサーとの1時間 (3)

chuukkyuu いよいよあなたご自身のことをお訊きします。

グレイサー  むずかしい質問ですね。
私の分野外の小説家、批評家、詩人、音楽家については、 どんな人が影響を与えてくれたかを言うのは困難です。

chuukkyuu  好きな花は?

グレイサー  アネモネ

chuukkyuu  動物では?

グレイサー  好きな動物は見あたりませんが、2匹の猫を飼っていますから、質問と関係があるかもしれません。

chuukkyuu  好きな季節は?

グレイサー  たぶん秋。

chuukkyuu  好きな土地は?

グレイサー  イタリアのどこか---北の方。

chuukkyuu  木は?

グレイサー  とくになし。

chuukkyuu  好きな色は?

グレイサー  なし。

chuukkyuu  好きな飲み物は?

グレイサー    好きな飲み物? ドクターブラウン、セロリ・ソーダ

chuukkyuu  好きな食物は?

グレイサー    好きな食物……たくさんありすぎます。

chuukkyuu  好きな国は?

グレイサー    どこに住みたいかと聞かれればフランスやイタリアは好き……でも、機動力と選択性があるのでアメリカと答えます。

#160 リヤ王

#161 マクベス

#169 ハムレット

#171 真夏の夜の夢

#172 トロイダスとクレシダ

#173 から騒ぎ

#175 リチャード三世

#197 タイタス・アンドロニカス

#233 目には目を

#257 十四行詩(ソネット

#283 ヘンリー四世第一部

#289 アセンズのタイモン

#294 ペリクリーズ

#318 ウインザーの陽気な女房たち

#326 まちがい続き

#327 ヘンリー五世

#328 コリオレイナス

#331 じゃじゃ馬馴らし

An hour with Miltn Glaser (3)

        as interviwed Tadahisa Nishio

Nishio: Now we would like to ask something about yourself. Who was the painter that ingfluenced you the most? And similary, who weiethe graphic designer, novelist, critic, poet and musician that influenced you the most? Who are your favorite painters? What are your favorite novel, poem, music, drama and movie?

Glaser:   That is obviously difficult. I would say many artists have influenced me. Piciso, Matisse, Redon, Klimpt. In fact, not only artists
but schools such as the entire body work produced by Dada, surrealism and metaphysical painting and
obviously Morandi. Also such traditional masters as Guercino, Rembrandt, Diero, many of the late
Renaissance painters and draftsmen, the Italian mannerists like the Caracci brothers and obviously
many of the artists that are productive now. Outside of the area of my own activity in the graphic arts, I do not really have any clear way of assessing what novelist, aritic, poet or musician influenced me.

Nishio:   What is your favorite flower?

Glaser:   My favorite flower is an anemone.

Nishio:   What about animals?

Glaser:  I don't know any favorite animals cept that we own two cats, so I suppose that has some releveance.

Nishio:   What season do you like best?

Glaser:   I guess fall is my favorite season.

Nishio:    What about place?

Glaser:   My favorite place is, I suppose, somewhere in Italy, and I guess somewhere in thenorth of it. It is hard to say where.

Nishio:    What kind of trees you like?

Glaser:   I don't have a favorite tree.

Nishio:    What is the color you like best?

Glaser:   I don't have a favorite color.

Nishio:    Do you have a particular kind of drink?

Glaser:   Favorite drink? Dr. Brown's Celra soda.

Nishio:    What kind of dishes you like?

Glaser:   My favorite food …… I have too many favorite foogs.

Nishio:    What is your favorite country?

Glaser:   My favorite country…… I really……
if it means what country I would live in, given complete mobility and choice, I guess the answer is
the U. S. A., though I love Italy and France.

つづく to tomorrow.