chuukyuu編『アイデア別冊 ミルトン・グレイサー』(1968.06.20)より
"An hour with Milton Glaser"
English follows
Stationery for Astoria Press Inc.
Letterhead Label and Envelope
ミルトン・グレイサーとの1時間 (4)
chuukyuu あなたの最も典型的な1日のスケジュールを話してください。
グレイサー 最近(1968)は『ニューヨーク』誌のアートディレクティングをしているので、近ごろのスケジュールといっても典型的なものではないのです。
chuukyuu ブッシュピン・スタジオのメンバーの4人は、どんなふうに仕事の上では関係しあうのですか?
グレイサー スタジオには他にもたくさんの人がいます。みんなスタジオにとって貴重な人ばかりで、それぞれ異なった機能を受けもっています。
(Cover for Opera News Magazine "アイーダ"特集号)
(Illustation for The Book Jacket "The Secret of Gosta Bering")
An hour with Miltn Glaser (4)
as interviwed Tadahisa Nishio
Nishio: Please tell us about a typical daiyly schedule of yours, and please make a speci mention of the time a new idea is born to you.
Glaser: My daily schedules are not typical
these days because what I have done recently is assumed the responsibility for art directing a magazine called New York. What is happening now is that I'm devoting about half my time to the magazine and half to Push Pin general activities which include illustration and designing any number of different things.
I teach one morning a week.
And I'm invloved in a dozen other projects at the moment, some of which have bearing on my work as a graphic designer and some of which have not. We are producing a 17 foot print of Robert Rauschenberg for one company that I'm involved in, called Broadside Art Inc. I'm consultant to a publisher of Art Horizon Books and so editorial and design work for them. They publish art books for high schools. Also, I'm designing some three dimentional objects, toys and lamps for an organization called Beylarian Inc. Finally, I'm continuing to do a lot of book jackets, editorial illustration, posters and television work. So there is a real sort of mrx in terms of what my daily activity is and it is hard to say what occurs when. I find ideas occur at any time, any where, while I'm working, while I'm not working. I depend on ideas to generate themselves while I'm not paying attention to the problem, which is a way I've always worked.
Nishio: Earlier you mentioned that you and Mr.Chwast are the two principle members of the organization. Now please tell us about other people in your organization. Are there any specifically titled people? How do you perform your part as the representative of the organization? What divisions or activities are there between you and Mr. Chwast?
Glaser: There are many other people at the studio, all of whom are valuable to the studio and perform different sorts of functions.
We try not to give specific titles as far as everybody does something and we have people who are illustrators and people who combine both functions and we have people who research and so on. Actually, there are twelve people at the studio.
Well, that question is a little difficult. Seymour and I essentially try to run the organization and
do our own work simlutaneously. And there is not any clear division of responsibility between the two of us.