







新車に乗り換えた人のほとんどは、最初の1年間に16,000マイル走行しているのに、12,000マイル保証というのはちょっと浮世離れしていないでしょうか? フォルクスワーゲンの保証は20,000マイル---見渡しても追随車は、見当たりません。こういうのが保証という言葉のまっとうな意味のはずですよね。

フォルクスワーゲン・オーナー総括補証は、不良部品の交換にとどまりません。磨り減って具合の悪いワイパーを取り替えてくれとか、電球明かりが弱っているから電球を換えて---というご要求に応じる車メーカーがありましょうか? ワーゲンはやるんです。
あなたのブレーキ・パッドとライニングも取り替えろ---定期点検スケジュールでそうでたら、無料で取り替えます。クラッチ・ライニングやバッテリーについても同様です。スパーク・プラグとポイント調節も? 12,000マイル以内であれば無料です。ええ、それだけの距離を走行なさったことに拍手を送りますよ。業界は渋面でしょうが。

私たちのエンジンとトランスミッションをさらに一歩進めました。 いずれも、私たちは2年か24,000マイル以内で保証します。 もちろん、私たちは定期検診の乱用や不足で起因する欠陥はカバーしません。



ヘッドライトだけの修理に2週間も待たされた話、幾度聞かされましたか? フォルクスワーゲンでは断じてありません。「緊急扱い」とあったら30分でやりとげます。簡単な修理なら、予約だって必要ないほどです。 


私たちは車を作りました。 あなたは車を所有しています。 それで、私たちは連帯しています。 新しいフォルクスワーゲンを適切に維持なさっている限り、私たちはあなたのための心配の大部分を受け持つつもりです。 つまり、フォルクスワーゲンのOwnerのSecurity Blanketがすべてを受け持つということです。あなたはフォルクスワーゲンOwnerです、私たちは、のけ者にされたみたいに、あなたを置き去りにするつもりはありません。

"The NEWYORKER" 1974.06.10

Owner's Security Blanket
with Computer Analysis

Introducing the 1974 Volkswagen.

While other car makers are busy taking the wraps of their new model cars, Volkswagen has gone one step funner and changed the wraps.
From the minute you drive away in your '74 Volkswagen, you're covered by our Owner's Security Blanket with Computer Analysis.
It's not just a warranty. It's a commitment to our owners long after they've signed on the dotted line.
We like to think of it as total transportation because you deserve a car you can count on 365 days a year. And we believe yo you shouldn't, have to keep paying to get what you deserve.
Nobody in the car business has any plan like it. Nobody seems to care enough. Or do enough. Except Volkswagen.
If you take a little time to read this, you'll find out how a Volkswagen owner gets the most advanced new car coverage plan in the world free.

0ur 12 month/20,000 mile guarantee.
Most car owners drive about 14,ooo miles during the first year. So what earthly good is a 12,000 mile guarantee?
Volkswagen's coverage is for 20,000 miles-most car companies don't come near that.
This is our guarantee, in plain English:
"If you maintain and service your 1974 Volkswagen as prescribed in the Volkswagen Maintenance Schedule any factory parts found to be defective in material or workmanshop within 12 months or 20,000 miles, whichever comes first (except filters and tires) will be repaired or replaced free charge by any U.S or Canadian VW dealer."

We Guarantee against more than
just defective parts.
Volkswagen's Owner's Security Blanket goes for beyond just guarantee against defects. Most car companies won't, replace a windshield wiper if it wears out. We will. They won't replace a lightbulb. We will.
Take things like brake pads and linings. As long as you have them adjusted when your Maintenance Schedule says so, we'll replace them free if they wear out. Some thing goes for clutch linings and batteries.
And spark plugs and points? We change them free at 12,000 miles and we'll honor that no matter how long it takes you to go that distance. This is unheard of in the auto industry.

24 months/24,OOO miles.
We've gone one step further with the insides of our engine and transmission. We guarantee them for two years or 24,000 miles,
whichever comes first. Of course we don't cover defects caused by lack of maintenance or abuse.

We guarantee our repairs. 
When you're running out of warranty you're still not out of luck. We'll make the repair free and guarantee the parts and workmanship for on additional 6 months or 6.000 miles.

If the repair takes overnight,
we'll lend you a car.
Moving right along we're committed to keep you moving.
So it you're a qualified owner and you find that a warranty repair is going to take overnight we'll lend you a free car by appointment, for as long as the repair takes.
(And we haven't forgotten owners of older VWs. If your car needs a repair and you need a car, we'll rent you one at a nominal price.)

Express care.
How many times have you heard of waiting two weeks before you can get a headlight fixed? Not at Volkswagen. With Express Care if we can fix something in less than 30 minutes, we'll do it while you wait. No appointment needed for these little repairs.

3 free computer check-ups.
No other car maker in the world has anything like Computer Analysis. (They probably will some day in the future.)
Every 1974 Volkswagen can be plugged into a Computer and out comes a written analysis of over 50 vital functions.
Everything from your engine compression down to your battery voltage.
Computer Analysis can spot things that even a master mechanic might not see. So we can fix these things while
you're still covered by our Owners Security Blanket.

We're in the together.
We made the car. You own the car. So we're in the together. As long as you maintain your new Volkswagen properly we'll do most of the worrying for you. That's what Volkswagen's Owner's Security Blanket is all about- once you're a Volkswagen Owner,
we're not going to leave you out in the cold.

"The NEWYORKER" 1974.06.10