A week before the NASA moonshot was schedules to take place, an air date was scheduled for a different kind of landing. Viewers would see a spaceship land on the planet Zeno. The cockpit opens and out comes
••• a Volkswagen beetle, Preparing to shoot the commercial above is the $lime crew that worked on the science fiction film "2001 A Space Odyssey."
No studio was big enough for the required effect.
To achieve what was wanted, the production was carried out in a Royal Air Force hanger (300' x 32O') used in World War II.
The stars you see took two years to create for the film "2001."
The groundwork is 16,000 cubic feet of styrofoam, painted pink.
More lighting was required than for the filming of "The Charge of the Light Bridge."
This is how the landing looked to the viewer.
Roy Grace was A/D;
John Noble,copywriter;
Pat Boyrlven, agency producer.
David Nagata directed the commercial.
A/D Roy Grace,
C/W John Noble,
DDB側プロデューサーは Pat Boyriven、
演出は 日系のDavid Nagata。
A/D Helmut Krone
C/W Robert Levenson
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