


有名すぎるのに"Lemon." があります。
" Can you name this car?" もみごとでしたね? 覚えていらっしゃいませんか?


今までちょっと後ろに傾いていたヘッドライトが垂直になったのにお気づきでしょうか? といっても車のスタイルは少しもよくなっておりません。でも、ライトが前よりも明るくなるので、道路がよりよく見えるようになりました。
それから後ろにある小さなこぶに気づきましたか? ナンバー・プレートをまっすぐにして警官によく見えるようにしたのです(ごめんなさい)。

ってことは、1964年秋に掲載の '65年型ですね。

C/W ジョン・ノブル
A/D ロイ・グレイス

"The NEWYORKER" 1966.09.24

Introducing two of the most radical changes in Volkswagen history.
Can you spot them?

Did you notice that the headlights are vertical now instead of leaning back a bit?
That doesn't make the car look any better. But it makes the road look better by making the lights a little brighter.
And that little hump in the bock? We did that to hold the license plate up straight so the police can read it better. (Sorry.)
What you won't notice without driving the new model are the big improvements.
The engine has been enlarged to a ferocious 53 horsepower. That only adds 3 m.p.h. to the top speed. Because we put most of the additional power where it would make the engine accelerate foster, turn slower and lost even longer.
Now that the VW is getting to be such a hot car, we put in a couple of things to slow it down. Dual brakes.
The front wheel brakes are completely independent of the rear wheel brakes. So if you ever lost the front wheel brakes, you could still stop the bOCK of the cor. (Which automatically stops the front of the car too.)
The new VW also has seat belts, backup lights and recessed door handles as standard equipment. In fact, this year we mode so many changes on the Volkswagen that we thought we'd better make one more.
We wrote"Volkswagen" on the bock of the car to be sure everybody would know what it was.

C/W John Noble
A/D Roy Grace
"The NEWYORKER" 1966.09.24
It's announcement time of the new model car.