結婚式を厳粛よりもアトラクティブ、質素よりも浪費的---セレモニー産業が次々と珍案を提示しています。それまで戦い合っていた異人種間で姫と若殿を交換するわけでもないのだから、フランスの田舎式を見習っては? お若い衆よ。
"The NEWYORKER" 1964.02.01
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あなたはどこへいちばん走りよりたいですか? ピカソ? シャガール?
それともコクトー? きっとショックですよ。
"The NEWYORKER" 1964.02.01
Where are you most apt to run into a Picasso, Chagall
or Cocteau? It may come as a shock.
That starry playground, the Riviera, has become one of the great museums of modern art.
If this startles you remember that nobody appreciates beautiful country, beautiful food and beautiful models more than a French painter.
So, many settled in the hills of the Mediterranean.
Cocteau illustrated the seaside chapel of Villefranche.
It's so enchanting it turns the plainest wedding into a fairy tale. Matisse created his masterpiece nearby.
The red, white and blue chapel of Vence.
Picasso's bronze L'Homme au Mouton stands smack in the square of Vallauris, a pottery town near Cannes. Many of the ceramics he made there are on view in a gorgeous villa in Antibes.
Leger's 150-foot mural and most awesome stained glass window are in Biot.
And Menton boasts a unique collection of Chagall, Dufy, Modigliani and Utrillo.
The Riviera is bountiful with galleries and museums.
But you don't have to be a painter or an art buff to go there.
You'll do just fine if you appreciate beautiful country, beautiful food and beautiful models.
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