旅をして教えられた友人のひとりに 、故・藤井康男氏(前・竜角散社長)がいた。大学ノートにリーフレットや食堂の紙ナプキン、ワインのラベルまで貼っていた。たしかに、あとで「あれはなんという銘柄だったか」と悩まないですむ。別の大学教授はホテルや機内のトイレの落とし紙をノートに貼り付け、その国の工業力の強弱を推理していた。旅の土産といってもいろいろである。
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A/D Bill Taubin
C/W Marry Wells
Foto Elliot Eerwitt"The NEWYOERKER" 1964.01.11
Where else can you see the greatest show on earth for the price ofa cup ofcoffee?
Next time you're in France, forget you're a tourist. Join the fun in the nearest sidewalk cafe. (Even the smallest country town can't get along without one:)
Pull up a chair, kick off your shoes, and watch the world go by.
Sit all day over one cafe au Jait. (The waiter will know you didn't come just for the coffee.)
Have a brandy -in Roquefort.
Nibble cheese in Cognac.
Write poetry or postcards.
Fall in love in the middle of the afternoon.
You can spend your whole vacation in the sidewalk cafes of France-and see more for the price of a cup of coffee than many tourists see in a lifetime.
Even panning a si ewa cafe vacation is fun. Start with lots of information about France.
Just see your travel agent. Or write Dept. PC-2, Box 221, New York 10.
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