



旅をして教えられた友人のひとりに 、故・藤井康男氏(前・竜角散社長)がいた。大学ノートにリーフレットや食堂の紙ナプキン、ワインのラベルまで貼っていた。たしかに、あとで「あれはなんという銘柄だったか」と悩まないですむ。別の大学教授はホテルや機内のトイレの落とし紙をノートに貼り付け、その国の工業力の強弱を推理していた。旅の土産といってもいろいろである。




A/D Bill Taubin
C/W Marry Wells
Foto Elliot Eerwitt

"The NEWYOERKER" 1964.01.11

Where else can you see the greatest show on earth for the price ofa cup ofcoffee?

Next time you're in France, forget you're a tourist. Join the fun in the nearest sidewalk cafe. (Even the smallest country town can't get along without one:)
Pull up a chair, kick off your shoes, and watch the world go by.
Sit all day over one cafe au Jait. (The waiter will know you didn't come just for the coffee.)
Have a brandy -in Roquefort.
Nibble cheese in Cognac.
Write poetry or postcards.
Fall in love in the middle of the afternoon.
You can spend your whole vacation in the sidewalk cafes of France-and see more for the price of a cup of coffee than many tourists see in a lifetime.
Even panning a si ewa cafe vacation is fun. Start with lots of information about France.
Just see your travel agent. Or write Dept. PC-2, Box 221, New York 10.

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