




第5章 コピーの流れ(補1)




(1) 沸騰したり凍ったりする水が不要

(2) リッターあたり10.6km---すてきな運転感覚

(3) 接地性がよいトーション・バー
VWこそ、トーショソ・バー・サスペンションを開発した車です。その後の発展については、ご存じのとおりです。この機構がデコボコ道でのショックを不思議に緩和するのです(ガタン-バタン-ガタンなし)。 また新採用のアンチ・スエイ・バーが、カーブ時の振動とフレを消します。

(4) 古くならないスタイル

(5) 日産2,500台のVWに、3,000人の検査員
フォルクスワーゲンは、必要以上の塗装をしています。すなわち、 ラッカーの3重塗装をしていますが、それも、たんにラッカ-を吹きつけるだけではありません。まず、ボディをペイントの中に沈めて、吹きつけ塗装ではできない内側の面が塗装されるまで浸します。それから入念に吹きつけ塗装をします。防蝕のためです。

(6) 早くて、安上がりで、どこででも受けられるサービス
新品のフロント・フェンダーは21.75ドル。新品のシリンダー ・ヘッドは19.95ドル。しかも、交換部品は国産車よりも入手しやすいくやらいです。
その理由(わけ)ですって? フォルクスワーゲンのほとんどの部品は、ある年式のものが翌年式のものにも流用がきくからです。純正サービスは、国内50州はもとより、カナダ、メキシコでもお受けになれます。サービスは完ぺきです。

『ライフ』誌 1960年3月14日号

Why are so many people looking into a Volkswagen?

Here ore some of the reasons.

(1) No water to boil over or freeze
The engine is air-coled, an astonishing advantage when you think about it. No water to boil over in the summer. No water to freeze in the winter. No anti-freeze. No radiator problems. No radiator, period.
The VW engine is referred to by owners as the "perpetual motion" engine (and only half in jest), because it seems to go on forever with SQ little effort, fuel or attention.
Friction end stress are so low, in fact, that a VW can cruise at 70 mph all day long without ony over-exertion.

(2) 32 miles per gallon and fun. to drive
Professional economy-run drivers have squeezed close to 50 mpg from a VW. But 32 would be more accurate for everyday driving --- plus or minus a couple of mpg depending on the way you drive, and where.
That's on regular gas, of course. Regular American gas is like super high-test to a VW, with its compression ratio of only 6.6.
The cor is great fun to drive: agile and highly responsive, with one of the smoothest stick shifts in the business. It's 4 feet shorter than conventional cars, yet holds 4 adults, with a- surprising amount of leg room in the front. (More than many of the big cars.)

(3) Torsion bar suspension holds the road
VW is the car that pioneered torsion bar suspension, the development you've been reading so much about. It gives you uncanny control over rough roads. (no bump-bump-bump). And the new anti-sway bar eliminates swing and swpy on curves.
The engine in the back gives theVolkswagen superb traction. In mud, sand, ice, snow where other cars skid, you go.

(4) Doesn't go out of style
The Volkswagen was conceived as one functional unit; not as a collection of features. Every line of the car belongs. The famous beetle shape, for instance, has a great deal to do with the VW's low wind resistance and road-holding characteristics. The under side, which is flat, smooth and completely enclosed, has much less drag than on open-bottomed car.
Obviously, this is a classic design that is not to be changed just for the sake of change. The Volkswagen you buy today will remain in style long after other cars have come and gone.

(5) 2500 VWs a day; 3000 inspectors
When you take possession of your new Volkswagen, it will remind you of the way cars used to come through in the old days. (The VW is built to such close tolerance, we are told it will actually float.)
A Volkswagen has much more paint than it needs: 3 coats of enamel, and not just sprayed on. The body is first submerged in paint, bathed in it until a protective coat builds up on inner surfaces that spraying could never reach.
There are 3000 inspectors in the factory who do nothing but look for imperfections. 2500 VWs are produced daily --- which figures out to better than one inspector per car per day.

(6) Service is fast, economical, everywhere
One of the things designed right into the Volkswagen is easy, low-cost maintenance. The car is so well conceived that its engine can be removed and replaced in only 90 minutes.
A new front fender costs $21.75. A new cylinder head, $19.95. And replacement parts are easier to get than for many domestic cars. The reason? Nearly all Volkswagen parts are interchangeable from one year to the next. Authorized service is available in all 50 states, Canada and Mexico. They really know their business.
The price of a Volkswagen is $1,565 complete with heater. And it's nice to know that a used Volkswagen sells for almost as much as a new one.

