Mutenye, ムテンイェ---Mutenye マウンテン・ブッシュ
Coca Bola, コカ・ポラ---サザン・アメリカン・ローズ・ウッド
Palisander, パリサンダー---ブラジリアン・ローズ・ウッド
Pao Rosa, パオ・ロッサ---アフリカ紫檀
上記の熱帯雨林で育った木たちが、デンマークのイェンス・キストゴーのデザイン・スタジオに呼ばれました。彼らが代表にえらんだのは、塩と胡椒でした。キストゴーは、さっそく、上からは塩、下からは挽かれたばかりのフレッシュな胡椒がでる食卓用の薬味居入れをデザインしました。名案でしょう? でも、これしきのことで感心なさるのは、早すぎます。食卓上のもろもろのもののデザインの完成を目指しているダンスクのこと、キストゴーはそれぞれに適した木材をえらびだしています。しかも、何十もの試作品をつくるのです。ほんの2,3の完成品をえるために。
"The NEWYORKER" 1964.09.26
Meet Wenge, Mutenye, Coca Bola, Palisander, Pao Rosa, Siamese Teak.
Then invite one to dinner and spice things up a bit.
Dansk summoned these exotic woods from the rainforests
of the world to Jens Quistgaard's Danish studio.They make
up this delegation of uncommon salt-and-peppers.
Quistgaard designed each piece as a complete table seasoner.
The top holds salt. The lower half grinds up fresh
peppercorns. Clever? Yes. But there's more to it than that.
The shapes here, as in Dansk's entire Top of the Table Collection,
are sculptures in their own right. Designer Quistgaard
selects his rare woods with an expert eye. Then he
carves dozens of models. before deciding on the few to be
Each must come up to the very special Dansk standard.
Each must be fresh. Dignified. Audacious. Timeless. Satisfying
to behold. And all this beauty must work. How?
Effortlessly. As do our pepper mill mechanisms. They're
as extraordinary as the shapes. They're made in France
especially for Dansk. The steel is so hard, and machined
so accurately it can crack the toughest peppercorn to a
gourmet's taste. Each mill is pre-set to a medium grind
because that's how pepper tastes best. No re-adJustments.
no chunks-just a smooth, even sprinkling of pungent
grains. Such knowing places as Laperouse in Paris and
La Cremaillere in Banksville, New York use them.
So treat yourself and your table to one of these unique seasoners.
Soon you'll find you're giving them to your favorite
people. They'll think you're the salt of the earth.
Note: Dansk's current Top of the Table Collection includes
493 uncommon designs. To see them, just write for a free
catalog to: Dansk Designs, Dept. SP, Great Neck, N. Y.