"The NEWYORKER" 1964.10.10
Here's our famous little bar board.
Here's our biggernew buffet board.
What comes next? Smorgasbord.
The Dansk buffet board is just the right size for serving up
a nice hunk of cheese. Or slicing a block of pate de foie
gras. Or cutting a particularly lush tomato paper-thin.
And it works just as beautifully in this bigger version. Jens
Quistgaard built it of the same end-grain blocks that make
a butcher block so sturdy. But he chose Siamese teak, the
shipbuilder's wood, to make it water-resistant. And handsomer
than a parquet floor.
Note the concave top. That's to catch the juice of the
tomato. The other side's flat for cutting cheeses, rolls,
giant Bermuda onions.
The buffet knife is made of the same tough Finnish steel
that slices through winter seas for their ice-breaker fleet.
Its in-board scabbard has a nylon bushing to keep the
knife snug, safe, sharp.
That'swhy a Dansk buffet board can put in a five-day week
in your kitchen and be in great shape for parties every
weekend. It's made to take it.
So take it. And give it. All this talent is just $12.95. And in
case you don't yet own the little bar board, that small
wonder is $7.95.
Dansk sets out a splendid buffet of 493 items in its Top
of the Table Collection. Write for the current free catalog
to: Dansk Designs, Department BB, Great Neck, NewYork.