An Interview with John Noble(5)
<<An Interview with John Noble(1)
(1)(2) (3)(追補)
from "Great American Copywriter Vol.2"
Tadahisa Nishio
published in March 10, 1971
Chuukyuu Tell me, what impressed you most when you met Mr. Bernbach? When and how did the meeting take place? What did he say?
Noble I was 25 years old an advertising expert. I went into his office with a campaign I was sure was right and a bunch of account people who I was sure wrong. I noticed they changed when they walked through his door. I didn't.
I was very cocky and said a couple of stupid thing and he looked at me with his big blue eyes. I got the message. I forgot what he said exactly, but I remember the eyes. I've been learning from him ever since.
Chuukyuu By the way, what do you think the future trend in advertising will be?
Noble I know you'd hit me with a toughie. You know, I don't know what more you can do in business than to have people read you or hear you and like you and your products. How you do it is I guess what you're talking about. On that question. I pass. But if it ever comes about that people will read and hear you and hate you and like your product. I'm going to buy some whip and go into another business.
Chuukyuu Do you ever think of opening your own agency?
Noble Yes.
Chuukyuu Why?
Noble Money.
Chuukyuu Briefly, do you have any advice for people coming into this business?
Noble Yes, believe in what you do. Stick with it and for it. Don't give in don't give up.