chuukyuuの好みで選んだフランス政府観光局のシリーズからの おまけ その3
The best 10 which chuukyuu chose. (おまけ その3) ←click
D. ベリコールへ行ったんなら、サルラの町を見なくっちゃ。幾世紀にもわたる戦禍のたびに、建て継ぎ建て継ぎで石の上に石を重ねた家が多いんです。それがまた、見ものになっています。あなたがほんもののフォアグラやアーティチョークなどの珍味にお金をお払いになるのは家屋再建の資金援助なのかも。
E. つまり、この町の人たちは鵞鳥のおかげで生活がなりたっているともいえます。どの旅館もすてきな料理とこの地特有のマナーと、お安い宿賃です。お越しをお待ちしています。できるだけ永逗留なさってたっぷりお楽しみください。
C/W レオンメドウ Leon Meadow
"The NEWYORKER" 1964.04.04
Nobody ever comes here. Only artists and poets.
A short drive from Paris will take you to a place where the finest foie gras is as everyday as peanut butter. And truffles grow big as apples. Learned archeologists go there for the caves that were painted by cavemen.
Poets go for the dramatic local color. And artists paint it because it's a picture: the enchanted French fairytale world of the provinces Limousin, Perigord, and Quercy. You should go there, too.
A.ln Limoges you can shop for France's legendary porcelain right where it's made. A profitable idea. And visit the porcelain museum, a treasure chest of the most bewitching pieces. And stay in one of France's newest hotels.
B.ln Cahors you can enjoy the truly superb local wine for just 70 cents a bottle. (Another very profitable idea.) And go see a charming storybook chunk of medieval architecturethe Pont Valentre. They don't make bridges like that any more.
C. They don't make many hotels like the Chateau de Mercues any more either. Perched high on a Cahors hill, it was a 14th century masterpiece. Restored del ightfully. You will sleep on a cherubic bed with a new mattress. Bathe in a marble tub on a throne. And the whole royal experience will cost about $12 for two. The countryside is dotted with castles, Romanesque churches and medieval villages.
D. Like Sarlat. Sarlat was restored nail by nail, stone by stone. And it tickles everybody. It's the perfect place to stock up on foiegras, artichoke bottoms and other delicacies you pay so much for back home.
E. Thanks to the goose, everyone eats well here. Every inn offers good food and wine, unaffected manners and noticeably low prices. Have a wonderful visit for very little. Or
stay and live happily ever after.
The French Government Tourist Office and your travel agent have all the information you need-where to go, what to see, bargains in chateaux, or festivals,or medieval bridges or anything. Write: French GovernmentTourist Office, Dept. LS-3, 610 Fifth Ave., New York 20, New York.
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