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2. アンボワーズでは、フランソワI世にかかわる伝説の城---〔情事の館〕を追体験するために1泊いかがでしょう。
6.アルルから リヴィエラへ抜ければ、その先は海岸ぞいの道路です。地中海を右手に眺めながら走ったり、車を停めて海を見ながら、パリからニースまでのいろんなスポットへ立ち寄ったが、果たして旅の玄人好みのコースであったかどうか、考えてみるのもいいでしよう。
"The NEWYORKER" 1960.04.30
Take the connoisseur's road from Paris to Nice and know France.
1. Beyond Paris you'll find the untrampled France that delights real travelers. Take the quiet, gentle roads through the provincial towns.
2. Stop at Amboise where in a storybook castle you'll relive the great majesty of Franois I's day.
3. Go to Feurs, a village with a great Lyonnaise restaurant, I's Chapeau Rouge. Don't miss the specialty: a delicate orange pie oozing with fresh orange juice.
4. Amble on to Avignon for the famous drama festival in the Pope's Palace, a medieval masterpiece.
5. And to Arles for the unique French bullfight in a Roman arena.
6. From Arles it's a hop to the Riviera and the exciting coast road to Nice. Here, on the shores of the Mediterranean, you can contemplate the wonders of France, the real France between Paris and Nice that only a 'Connoisseur ever sees.
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