"The NEWYORKER" 1964.11.07
As the hours glide by the glass glides down. Pure Magic.
Cocktails at seven. Dinner at eight. Then take it
to the derior 2 ten p.m. brandy later, Dansk's
Magic Lantern coud light your way upstairs it
lasts ten slow-burnig hours.
An cld Swedish carriage lamp inspired uds.
(Where some nights last all day, you need lot of
bright ideas.)
In these days barreling crros-country by
dark called for a long-lasting light. A light is shin-
ing smack in the center of each lantern pane. In
the original lantern. a tall candle was propelled
なんと、hiroysato さんが解読してくださいました。感謝。翻訳は、今日明日の予定にいれてなかったので、2,3日後に、時間をつくります。
Cocktails at seven. Dinner at eight. Then take it
to the den for a ten p.m. brandy later, Dansk's
Magic Lantern could light your way upstairs it
lasts ten slow-burnig hours.
An old Swedish carriage lamp inspired us.
(Where some nights last all day, you need lot of
bright ideas.)
In these days barreling cross-country by
dark called for a long-lasting light. A light is shin-
ing smack in the center of each lantern pane. In
the original lantern. a tall candle was propelled
upward by a sprint as it melted away. In our
Dansk design, the hand-blown glass moves slow-
ly down the melting candle on a brass flange.
This calls for more than magic. Dansk had
to create a precision candle. One with perfectly
parallel side and high melting point. The solid
brass base feels good and weighty in the hand
too. It sits well on any tabletop. All this magic
for $7.95 But there's more sorcery.
Transform it into a classic hurricane lamp.
Just remove the gilding flange and let the glass
rest directory in the base. So handsome outdoors
on the terrace. Or whisk off the glass and have
an imposing candlestick An inner ring holds tall
1" candles And the outer rim fits old-fashioned
candles as far as 2" around. The kind they burn
on long Nordic evening (Dansk make both
sizes in a new texture and in 13 rich colors.)
Nights are shorter here you say? Then light
this Magic Lantern. and make the most of them.
On quiet night, leaf through our complete
Dansk Top-of-the-Table Collection 493 good
things in a free catalog. Write Dansk Designs,
Dept. ML, Great Neck, New York.