A Speech by Mr. Julian Koenig(2-3)
Julian Koenig
president of Papert Koenig Lois Inc.
to the Advertising Writers Association of New York
April 19. 1966
At the risk of having the Mafia follow me through the corridors, I remind you that in the beginning was the word.
When you have a good idea, insist on it.
Don't let anyone muck it around.
After all, what this country doesn't need is a Fag White Knight.
The important thing is to know when to stop.
And to have guts enough to do what's been done before--if it's right.
If you're any good, it will corne out different.
Well, after all that perhaps you'd like to see my idea of a good commercial---where an agency's 040b is to get out of the way.
(Show "Javits" commercial)
It's a quixotic business, and after all these years I'm not sure we've improved.
A century ago Barnum was creating advertising showmanship as vivid as any I see today.
Sixty years ago a man wrote "If you have a dollar, and if you have piles, send me your dollar and I'll get rid of your piles, or keep your dollar and keep your piles."
I think that stacks up with Preparation H.
40 years ago Hill wrote, "Reach for a Lucky instead of a Sweet, " and that seems to advertise like a cigarette should.
I like ads that say "Pimples, " "I used to be a 69 pound weakling, " "How we retired on $300 a month" ---ads you can coupon.
The mail-order people, who have to sell to survive, do their homework and learn their les sons.
Do we?
If you run out of Lowenbrau, order champagne, but if you run out of Schlitz, you're out of beer.
If they run out of Lowenbrau---order champagne.
The advertisement was created by Leber Katz Paccione Inc.