An Interview with John Noble(4)
<<An Interview with John Noble(1)
from "Great American Copywriter Vol.2"
Tadahisa Nishio
published in March 10, 1971
Mr. John Noble
Vice-President, Copy supervisor DDB Inc.
Chuukyuu What kind of process goes on when you're creating ideas for VW?
Noble The same process that goes on when you're creating ideas for anything. It never stop. In the office, of cause. At night, just before you go to bed. In the morning, just before you get out of bed. If you turn machine off you shouldn't be in this business.
Chuukyuu Do you think Volkswagen should be indebted to DDB?
Noble Yes, and we're equally indebted to them.
Chuukyuu What kind of advantage do you obtain from working at DDB?
Noble The advantage is working with people who aren't selfish people at all. When I came here 5 years ago, nobody held back on the "secrets of life." People were very willing to share their experiences. I try to do the same thing with new writers in my group today. And I think this warmth has a lot to do with the warmth in our ads. You know, Hitler and World War II was a tough thing for Volkswagen to overcome, but we did it.
Chuukyuu Suppose you were to take charge of the VW account at another agency. Do you believe you could the same fine works as you did at DDB?
Noble Sure, if the atmosphere was same, butIdoubt if could be. An awful lot of people have left Doyle Dane Bernbach and have asked to come back awfully quickly. The business is people. If people stink, the work usually stinks.