chuukyuu の好みで選んだ、ソニー・テレビのシリーズから10点を紹介。その9.
The best 10 which chuukyuu chose.(9) ←click
トランジスタ・ソニーSun Setを持って出て、戸外でテレビを観ましょう。
秘密はスクリーンです。従来の白いスクリーンに替え、Sun Setは、ギラギラと
眩しい光を遮断する特殊なブラック・スクリーンなのです。 つまり、陽の下でも
陽が落ちた(sun set)後の戸外でも楽しめるのです。The Sun Set
C/W イヴァン・スターク Evan Stark
A/D フランク・カマデッラ Frank Camaddella
"The NEWYORKER" 1967 or 1968
The Sony for Sun-Lovers
If you're a person who hates to stay indoors watching television on
a bright sunny day, we've got the perfect set for you. Because with
the all-transistor Sony Sun Set, you can go outdoors and watch
television on a bright sunny day.
The secret is the screen. Instead of a conventional white screen, the
Sun Set has a special black screen that cuts down the glare. Which
means that the picture won't fade out unless it's supposed to.
And since it plays off AC current as well as rechargeable batteries,
there's nothing to stop you from going indoors and watchingthe Sun Set
after the sun goes down.
The Sun Set