



"My Graphic Concept" Lecture by Leonard Sirowitz in Zurich 1967 Spring 1967年春、チューリッヒでの「マイ・グラフィック・コンセプト」と題するスピーチ。氏の快諾を得て『DDBドキュメント』 (誠文堂新光社 ブレーンブックス 1970.11.10)に翻訳掲載し…

"My Graphic Concept" Lecture by Leonard Sirowitz(1)

【Personal history】 LEONARD SIROWITZ He was born in Brooklyn, New York, on June 25, 1932, and has lived in New York for 33 years. He lives with his wife and two children in a Manhattan apartment over-looking the Hudson River. Now he works…