


"My Graphic Concept" Lecture by Leonard Sirowitz(11)

<<"My Graphic Concept"(1) Mobil campaign (6) Highway Hypnosis and how to snap out of it. The pedestrian always has the right of way? How to skid and live to tell the tale. A license to what? Rest in Peace. To the more than 460 people who a…


当時---DDBクリエイティブ・マネージメント・スーパバイザー兼副社長 (1969年退社し、ハーパー・ローゼンフェルド・シローイッツ社の共同経営者) "My Graphic Concept" Lecture by Leonard Sirowitz in Zurich 1967 Spring 1967年春、チューリッヒでの「マ…