ビタミンは天性のファイターです。そんな彼らを錠剤の中に一緒にして放っておくと、やがて同士討ちを始めてしまうでしょう。約30億のビタミン錠剤を世に出すまでにオリン社のスクイブ研究所はどうすればビタミンを相互破壊(原文 scraping )から守れるかという問題を、AとDを散剤として分離することで解決しました。
これから先出てくると思われる魅力的なピンク色をしたビタミン剤は、Vigran Mといいます。その中には10種類のビタミンと7種類のミネラルがちょうどいいバランスで含まれています。
A/D ボブ・ゲイジ Bob Gage
C/W フィリス・ロビンソン Phillis Robinson
Foto ウィンゲイト・ペイン Wingate Paine
"The NewYorker" 1961.06.03
"LIFE" 1961.06.02
訳は、東海大学 政治経済学部 経営学科の
Who stopped the battle inside the vitamin tablet?
Some vitamins are natural-born fighters.
Dump them together in a tablet and eventually they'll destroy each other. About 3 billion vitamin tablets ago, the Squibb Division of Olin figured out how to keep vitamins from scrapping. They put A and D into separate granules. They put B1, B2 and C into their own private wrap. They took B12, the one all the other boys pick on, and tucked it safely into one of the tablet's coatings. And they set up a system that checks quality and potency more than 200 different times. All this was done to help make sure that a Squibb vitamin tablet maintains its full strength not just until it goes into the bottle (that's easy) but right up to the moment you pop it into your mouth.
Another creative solution to a problem... from the Squibb Division of Olin.
The vitamin tablet above, wearing the inviting pink coat, is called Vigran M. In it, 10 vitamins and 7 minerals live peacefully together.
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