C/W レオ・ンメドウ Leon Meadow
A/D レン・シローイッツ Len Sirowitz
POTO ディック・リチャーズ Dick Richards
"LIFE" 1966.11.18
hiroysato さんが原文を"LIFE"誌のアーカイブから写してくださいました。
In Pennsylvania,
a blind man drove
with aseeing-eye boy
on his lap.
The boy steered and gave directions. The man worked the pedals and gear shift.
No one dreamed up this one. It appeared in an article on highway safety by O.D. Shipley, then Pennsylvania's Commissioner of Traffic.
Pennsylvania has since taken steps to make such happenings far less likely to happen again.
But don't go away.
In Kansas, 136 legally blind people were found to be holding valid driving licenses.
Kansas has since found ways to guard against this bit of madness.
But state after state still tolerates a far more common cause of potential manslaughter.
Today, in 31 states, you can get a driver's license renewed without having an eye examination. No eye test of any kind.
This mean a person could be driving far, say, 40 years without ever having a vision test. In that time (or lots less) his eyesight could have changed drastically. Or deteriorated utterly.
Sooner or later, these 31 states will follow the other 19 in requiring adequate vision testing when renewing licenses.
For your sake, we hope it's sooner.
Meantime, make sure your own license is, in fact, a license to see well enough to drive safety.
This means more than passing a routine eye-chart test (which is all that a number of states now require in renewing licenses).
And which tell you nothing about your ability to judge distances accurately. Or tell red from green. Or see sideways as well as straight ahead. Or know how fast your eyes recover from blinding headlight glare.
Unless you know, you could be a loser.
There's only one way to find out. If you haven't had a professional eye examination in the last year or so, get one. Learn how well you really see. Or how much better you could be seeing.
Fine, you say. But what's the good of having your eyes tested if the other guy - the one coming toward you - can't see where he's going? Indeed.
He's probably thinking the same thing. About you.
So both of you do it . Now. Better Vision Institute.