





"New Yorker"誌1959年8月1日(”LIFE"誌は8月3日)から始まり16年間つづいたVWビートルのシリーズは、いまなお、世界中の広告クリエイターの目標となっています。

[ニョーヨーカー・アーカイブ]によるVWビートル・シリーズ総索引) ←クリック

この腹底部を密閉するのはだれか? フォルクスワーゲンです。


C/W デイブ・ライダー Dave Reider
A/D ヘルムート・クローン Helmut Krone
foto  ウィンゲイト・ペイン Wingate Pain
"LIFE" 1960.06.06
掲載媒体と掲載号の確認は、hiroysato さんのご尽力による。

The series of the VW beetle that continued for the start 16 years from "Newyorker" magazine August 1, 1959 is a model of an advertising creator still all over the world now.

Being able a deliberate mark of the campaign ↓ was done by 'New Yorker archive' of.

Ads Series for VW beetle on[New Yorker's Archives]
An index)←click

In addition, it picked it up from "LIFE" magazine and others this time.

An initial advertisements of the campaign is posted for several days.

Who in the world seals the bottom? Volkswagen.

Here's a side of the Volkswagen that very few poeple know about: the underside.
It is not only enclosed, but sealed with rubber to make it practically airtight, So tight, we get persistent reports it will even float. But here's a more useful advantage: a VW sloshes through water that brings most traffic to
a standstill.
Notice how flat and asmooth the VW bottom is. No hollow pockets and hanging parts to trap air and slow you down. Less drag. Better gas mileage.
On most cars, control wires and cables are left ewposed. But you don't see wires under a VW; all you see the steel bottom that protects them.
A Volkswagen depreciates less than any other car happen to it. Its shape remains the same; its works inpact.
The Volkswagen's built-in heater and defroster are part of the body---designed into the car and therefore included in the price :$1,565 top snd bottom.

C/WA/D "LIFE" 1960.06.06