でも、VWのオーナーは、おかしいとは思っていません。じつのところは、ほとんどのオーナーはエンジンのことなど気にもとめていないと申せましょう。キーを回すと、「ルルル・・・ブーン」という音がして、そして、あなたは気もとめなくなってしまう、 としか考えていないのです。
VWの修理係は、すべてを90分で交換し終えます (もしそうしなければならない時には---ですが)。
"The NEWYORKER" 1965.03.27
A simple story about a simple engine.
This !s what makes a VW.
It's a VW enongine, plain end simple.
It doesn't have Super Skyrocket Thrust. Or Dyna-Turbo-Charger. Andit isn't a Power Plant.
When you look at it, YOU' den't feel inferior to it. (Same people even think it's a funny little engine. Until they see how fast it pushes our funny litl!e car.!
But VW owners don't think its runny. In fact, most of them don't think about it at all. They only know that every time you turn the key, something goes "r-r-r-UM." And you're off.
The engine looks small because it is small. As you can see, them's no radiator, water pump or water hoses.
Because (as you can't see) a big fan cools it wilh air, not water. That's why our engine can't freeze when it's freezing, or boil when it's boiling.
Each part we left out is a part you'll never have to repair. And the parts we left in were so thoughtfully designed that they don't have to move very for or very fast to do their job.
So even when the engine does hard work. it dosn't work hard. It's that simple.
And a relaxed engine uses gas more efficiontly. Ours averages 32 miles per gailon of regular.
If you run it for a long, long time (like most people do) the day may comewhen your wife says:"It's making funny noises."
That's the day you'll discover that repairs are every bit as simpie as the engine itself.
A VW mechanic can replace the whole works in 90 minules, (If he ever has to.) And the parts are laid oul so he can fix them the minute they need help. (But they almost never do.)
You don't see an engine like that very often. So, if you're planning to buy a Volkswagen, take a good look at the picture.
Because when you drive our car long enough, you'll farget what our engine looks like.
A/W"The NEWYORKER" 1965.03.27
C/W ピル・バーンバック ジュリアン・ケーニグ
A/D ヘルムート・クローン
"LIFE" 1959.08.24
198 lbs.
(why Volkswagen's aluminum engine is still years ahead of its time)
Dead weight in an engine is the enemy of efficiency.
That's why airplane engines are made of aluminum. Why Volkswagen's engine is ingeniously cast of aluminum and magnesium alloys (even lighter than aluminum.)
Volkswagen reduces dead weight in still other ways. The engine is air-cooled---no bulky radiator.(No water to freeze in winter, or boil over in summer.) And placing the engine in the back gets rid of the conventional heavy drive-shaft while giving direct power to the wheels.(In mud, sand, ice, snow, where other cars skid, you go.)
As a result, the Volkswagen engine weight only 198 lbs. and every pound works. You get an honest 32 miles to the gallon (regular gas, regular driving.) and will probably never oil between changes. And the engine is so efficient, top and cruising speeds are the same. You can go 70 mph without strain, all day long.
These are some of the reasons a used VW is worth almost as much as a new one. Your VW dealer will show you the other.
C/W Bill Bernbach Julian Koenig
A/D Helmut Krone"LIFE" 1959.08.24