





午後5時半。 ハリス・ウィリアムス夫人とその娘さんは、ロングアイランドのマンハセットの自宅を出、ケネディ空港まで出張帰りのウィリアムス氏を迎えに行く。
午後7時半。 ウィリアムス氏到着(悪天候のため1時間遅れて)。
午後8時。 ウィリアムス一家はロングアイランドの小さなレストランに夕食に立ち寄る。
午後9時。 帰宅すると、家が荒らされているのを発見。警察に電話。
午後9時15分。警官到着。 ウィリアムス一家と盗難品リストを作成。銀器(ステンレス製は無事)。カラーTV(白黒テレビは無事)。シーヴァス・リーガル8本(普通の酒は無事)。
午後10時。 警官、雰囲気を柔らげようと、泥棒の趣味の良さを誉める。
午後10時1分。 ウィリアムス氏夫妻、ニコリともせず。

1969.11.15  『ニューヨーカー』

The following events actually took place.
Only the names have been changed.

January 10, 1969.
5: 30 P.M.−MrS. Harris Williams and her daughter left their home in Manhasset. L.1., and drove to Kennedy Airport to pick up Mr. Williams who was coming home from a business trip.
7:30 P.M.−Mr. Williams'flight landed (one hour late, due to inclement weather).
8:00 P.M.−The Willinms family stopped off at a small Long Island restaurant for some dinner.
9:00 P.M.−They arrived home, found the house in shambles and called the police.
9: 15 P.M.−The police got there and togethcr with the Williamses compiled a list of the articles missing. Among them were: the sterling silver (they left the stainless); the color TV (they left the black and white): eight bottles of Chivas Regal (they left the ordinnry liquor).
10:00 P.M.−The police attempted to add some levity to the situation by commenting on the thieves' ,good taste.
10:01 P.M.−Mr.and Mrs. Williams didn't laugh.

November 15, 1969 The New Yorker





The Night of the Fussy Burglars,
The Chivas Regal Case

Bill Harris has been Art Director on the Chivas Regal account for two years.
He is now featured in one of his ads.
Or, to be more accurate, his misfortunes are.
For Bill's misfortunes happened to be a tribute to Chivas.
The ad tells the story.
Bill (name changed to Harris Williams in the ad, to protect the innocent) was met at the airport by his wife and daughter after a business trip. (To Batavia for Sylvania the ad doesn't say that.)
It was a very cold night and the plane was an hour late in landing.
The family stopped off at a restaurant for dinner before returning to their house in Manhasset, L.I.
When they arrived home, they found they had been burglarized.
By fussy burglars.
The color TV was taken; the black-and-white was left.
The sterling silver was taken; the stainless remained.
The Chivas Regal was taken; all the Brand Xs were left.
Mike Mangano wrote the copy, taken from real life, and it made an ad that said a lot about the Chivas image.
However, Bill didn't sleep for weeks after the burglary.
He now has a burglar alarm system installed in his house.
And he doesn't recommend his experience as a way to get concepts.



"They took some of the gems...most of the Van Goghs...and all the Chivas"

A./D Charis Abraham
C/R  George Rike
artist Richter
