The advertisements for Better Vision Institute by DDB(7)
on "DDB NEWS" July issue, 1968
INTERVIEWER : Mr. Meadow, you're administrator of a large copy department, and yet although you're not a full-time writer, your peers in the advertising industry recently voted you one of the top ten copywriters.
MEADOW : Well, they were influenced by a streak of luck that I had with the Better Vision Institute account which walked off with practically every award that you can walk off with.
Len Sirowitz, the A/D on it, and I, got a tremendous amount of mileage out of this very small but very satisfactory account.
That perhaps had more to do with publicizing my name in the industry than anything else I've accomplished in all the years I've been in advertising.
でも、資格をもった検眼士に見てもらいましたか(見てもらった? ---いつ?)、 答えがでるかも。かすかな屈折異常だったりして。あるいは眼筋の不均衡とか。
そうでしょう、あなたは障碍の原因が分かったわけですから。どうすればいいかもお分かりなんですから。C/D Leon Meadow
Don't hear so good?
Maybe you should have your
eyes examined.
Funny thing with the eyes. Sometimes you can have a slight vision defect-and the last place it will show up is in your eyes.
Fact is, you're seeing fine. But things are happening elsewhere. Like a general sense of discomfort, a feeling you've lost your verve. You're not functioning on all cylinders.
Or it could be something quite specific. Headaches, brow aches, tension, irritability. Dizziness, nausea. It could even be you're not hearing so good.
There's no reason for you to suspect your eyes. Your vision is okay.
But get yourself a professional eye examination (time you did, isn't it?) and there's your answer. Perhaps a tiny error of refraction. Or some slight, unsuspected muscular imbalance.
That's enough. Because, without your knowing it, your eyes and your nervous system have been straining constantly to compensate for that little defect. And it's this extra strain, this extra work that takes its physical and emotional toll elsewhere.
Correcting these slight, unsuspected errors frequently results in equally unexpected and dramatic relief. Headaches go. Tensions let up. And suddenly everything starts looking better.
Now, of course, it doesn't work in reverse.
Don't go off and get atl car examination, for example, if you're not seeing wcll.
Because then you know where thc troublc is. And what to do about it. Bettcr Vision Institute.C/D Leon Meadow