



インタヴューアーは『DDB NEWS』の編集者







The advertisements for Better Vision Institute by DDB(6)


        ★     ★     ★  



 バイク? 片目の車だとしたら、どっちのライトだろう? どうしたらいいかな?


Is it a motercycle? A car with one headlight?



hiroysato さんが原文を"Life"誌のアーカイブから写してくださいました。訳文は後刻。

"Darling, tell me if
thewe's anyone here know."

There's one (at least) at every party.
She arrives gorgeously dressed , dripping with antique jewelry. And antique ideas.
Like this business of eyeglasses. Oh, she admits she's blind as a bat. And without her husband at her side. she can't tell friend from stranger.
But she isn't admitting something that's just as obvious. Her vanity isn't paying off.
Whatever ideas she may have about her looks, they aren't being helped right now. There's nothing so smashing about her puzzled. frowning squint.
And those harsh lines, that straining look around the eyes. don't exactly make her a raving beauty.
What should she do? Is she really caught between the devil and the deep blue?
She should get professional eye examination. Good seeing comes in some remarkably smart styles and shapes these days.
Note that glasses will make her a Miss America. But they can do away with the frowning. They can put an end to those lines of strain. Her smile will be relaxed. Her look will be confident.
This alone can do an awful lot for a girl.
And, of course, this isn't all. There's the small matter of having a sharper. clearer idea of what's going on. Of just plain seeing better.
Which isn't exactly a crime. Better Vision Institute.



hiroysato さんが原文を"Life"誌のアーカイブから写してくださいました。訳文は後刻。

In Pennsylvania,
a blind man drive
with a seeing-eye boy
on his lap.

The boy steered and gave directions. The man worked the pedals and gear shift.
No one dreamed up this one. It appeared in an article on highway safety by O.D. Shipley, then Pennsylvania's Commissioner of Traffic.
Pennsylvania has since taken steps to make such happenings far less likely to happen again.
But don't go away.
In Kansas, 136 legally blind people were found to be holding valid driving licenses.
Kansas has since found ways to guard against this bit of madness.
But state after state still tolerates a far more common cause of potential manslaughter.
Today, in 31 states, you can get a driver's license renewed without having an eye examination. No eye test of any kind.
This mean a person could be driving far, say, 40 years without ever having a vision test. In that time (or lots less) his eyesight could have changed drastically. Or deteriorated utterly.
Sooner or later, these 31 states will follow the other 19 in requiring adequate vision testing when renewing licenses.
For your sake, we hope it's sooner.
Meantime, make sure your own license is, in fact, a license to see well enough to drive safety.
This means more than passing a routine eye-chart test (which is all that a number of states now require in renewing licenses).
And which tell you nothing about your ability to judge distances accurately. Or tell red from green. Or see sideways as well as straight ahead. Or know how fast your eyes recover from blinding headlight glare.
Unless you know, you could be a loser.
There's only one way to find out. If you haven't had a professional eye examination in the last year or so, get one. Learn how well you really see. Or how much better you could be seeing.
Fine, you say. But what's the good of having your eyes tested if the other guy - the one coming toward you - can't see where he's going? Indeed.
He's probably thinking the same thing. About you.
So both of you do it . Now. Better Vision Institute.



hiroysato さんが原文を"Life"誌のアーカイブから写してくださいました。訳文は後刻。

If hawks had only 20/20 vision, they'd be extinct by now.

There's an idea around that 20/20 vision is it. The best.
But the hawk, or most any bird of prey, would starve to death if he had only 20/20 vision.
He's got to spot his dinner from tremendous heights. So, millions of year ago he developed the kind of sight he needed.
And still needs, for survival. It's a good deal "better" than 20/20
But we're different kind of bird
Our seeking needs have changed considerably since we came on the scene. In just the last hundred years or so we've turned to many completely new uses for our eyes.
Unnatural uses.
Lots more concentration, for example, on fine details at close range and middle distances. TV watching. Machine operating. New, Special ways of studying and playing
But whether we have 20/20 vision or not, sooner or later it becomes impossible for our one pair of eyes to perform all these varied tasks easily. Comfortably.
The only questions is - when?
This question - upon which much of our work and lots of our fun, our education and possibly our survival depend - can only be answered by a qualified eye - care practitioner.
Have you seen one within that last year? If not , you should Better Vision Institute.

on "DDB NEWS” May issue, 1968

A questioner is editor of "DDB NEWS"

Q. How do you get to the essence of an idea in advertising?

Mr.Sirowitz It's very difficult to put into words, really.

It's looking, being aware, getting rid of everything that's irrelevant, getting to the point, and presenting your idea in a fresh way so that the selling point will be remembered.

Beyond that, it's coming up with something that people can relate to.

When somebody looks at your ad they should say "Oh yes, isn't that so," or "Isn't that true," or "Oh, I

knew that all the time." But it takes the advertiser to plant that thought in the consumer's mind.

Not a whole brand new thought, one that he's never related to before, but something familiar presented in an unusual and compelling manner.