[6分間の道草]DDB マーケット調査部門(M.R.D.)の機能
つい、このあいだ---5月15日の当ブログに紹介した、バーンバックさんの秘書Mrs.Nancy Costlowからの1964年1月20日付の手紙に、DDBの扱い高の推移とアカウントの開いた年リストに加え、DDBの市場調査部の機能を同封するとあったことを、ご記憶でしょう。その抄訳を。
DDB マーケット調査部門(M.R.D.)の機能 (抄訳)
a. コピー調査 テーマ、広告あるいはコマーシャル(あるいはキャンペーン)などの事前・事後調査を含む
b.広告効果調査研究 広告による受け手へのイメージ伝達力、銘柄受容程度など
c.基礎的なマーケット調査と分析 広告製品と競合銘柄の、市場でのそれぞれの地理的、社会経済的、心理学的特性。消費者の購買および消費動向など
d.製品テスト 銘柄選択時の有利または不利な特質などの調査。製品改良範囲の策定など
e.テスト・マーケット調査 新製品導入まわりのさまざまの消費者態度の調査など
肝心なのは、直感と製品に結びつけた表現で広告革命をおこしたDDBは、保守派の広告人たちから[アート派]と危険視されていたが、社内にはちゃんとした調査部をもち、あるときにはチェーン・ストア調査のベテランのE・B・ワイズ博士も三顧の礼をもって招聘、ふつうの代理店が行う以上の調査・分析も実施できること、していることを公言した点である。 (写真はE・B・ワイズ博士)
Doyle Dane Bernbach Inc.
In generaal, the primary role of the Market Resarch Department is to compile and provide information which may be integrated as part of the planning, execution and evaluation of the advertising and marketine of our client's products. For the most part, the information obtained stems from direct
consumer research---that is, from studies conducted via interviews with consumers.
Requests for reaech usually originate from two basic sources •••
(1) From the Agency Itselt (account and creative personnel) --- to answer specific problems or questions concerning an ad, a commercial, a campaign, the product, the characteristics or attitudes of the market, eta., or to provide background information regarding the industry, its growth, competitive activity, etc. --- all of which tends to result in a constantly improved, advertising product.
(2) From the Client (mainly in eases where the client's research facilties are Iimllted) --- to answer specific problems the client may have regarding his product, its package, consumer awareness, usage and attitudes, composition and location of the market, merchandising, etc.---in essenc, acting as the research arm of the client, when needed.
Although the various types of consumer rosearch studies conducted by the Research Department are too numeroua to list completely, the following should serve to illustrat the scope of our functions and at the same time outline the specific areas or research activity:
(a) Copy Research ---including pre-testing and post-testing of a theme, an ad or commercial(or campaign), etc.
(b) Advertising Effectiveness Studies---includes measuring advertising penetration, ability of advertising to attract an audience and convey its message, "before" and "after" studies measuring changes in brand awareness and attitudes towards the brand, etc.
(c) Basic Market Research Studies---obtaining a definition of the market for a product and the various competitive brands in terms of geographic, socio-economic and psychological characteristics, learning consumer purchasing and usage habits, brand awareness and knowledge, attitudes towards the brand(s), etc.
(d) Product Testing---determining product and brand preferences, favorable and unfavorable product attributes, consumer acceptance, areas for product improvement, etc. and tested (or national, it this is the csse), studies conducted to incidence, repurchase rate, frequency of usage, etc.
(f) Effectiveness of Special Promotions---tests to ascertain the effectiveness (and profitability) of sampling, cross-couponing, cents-off coupons, premium offers, etc. in obtaining new customers and converting them.
(g) Brand Image Studies---measuring the cumulative effect of advertising, merchandising, sales promotions, dealer behaviour, etc. on the consurmer image of a product or corporation vs. competition.
(h) Package Testing---investigating such factors as ease of opening and closing the package, handling difficulties, size and shape, ability to be seen competitively on the store shelf, desire created for the product, etc.
(i) Brand Name Testing---includes studies to select a new brand name, to measure the effect of current brand name upon product preferences and product image, etc.
As mentioned previously, the foregoing are merely examples of the types of consumer research projects conducted by the Market Reseurch Department, the list being by no means complete. Due to the varied nature ot research requirements, Statf Project Direotors of the Research Department are available to discuss a problem with members or the account group and/or the clients to determine whether it is researchable and to prepare a proposal outlining the research design, methodology and estimated costs.
Inasmuch as the basic philosophy of the Research Department 1s to "let the method fit the problem", there is little need here to delve into what we consider to be the most dealrable resarch procedures And techniques. However, it should be pointed out that in conducting our studies we do employ a wide
range of available methods including: personal interviews, telephone interviews and male questionnaires--- both large and small sample sizes---local and national in scope---structured and unstructured interviews---specialized outside research services aa well as our own facilities, etc.--- the final methodology, or course, is dependent upon the problem to be resolved.
In addition to conducting consumer research studies, the Research Department performs a number of other functions among wh1chare the following:
(1) Background Market Studies---Unlike the consumer stUdies where it is necessary to go directly to the consumer, background market studies are prepared by collecting data from a host of "secondar"
sources, mainly published materials and reports.
A background study is generally done to obtain as mucb inrformation as we can about a market or a product (from available published sources) and thereby familiarize the account and creative people
with the particular product to be advertised and orient them to the industry as a whole. The report may consist of such data as: the size of the market, brand shares, trends in market size and brand
share trends, economics of the industry, a definition of the market in terms of socio-economic characteristics of consumers, their usage patterns, oonsumer attitudes towards the product, etc •••• and is based upon whatever information readily obtainable.
Sources for this information are generally government publications, trade and financial publications, trade associations, media and consumer studies conducted by other organizations.
(2)Starch.Reports---While the Research Department recognizes the limitations inherent in Staroh advertising readership reports and has reservations about how Starch scores are interpreted, we nevertheless, order Starch reports as requested by the account group and catalogue the scores
by advertiser. When needed, speoial reports are prepared analyzing the ratings or a series of ads for a particular client.
Magazine issues purchased from Starch are kept on file in the Research Library.
(3) Research Library---A Vital part of the department is the Research Library maintained, by a full-time librarian. materia1 from many varied sourcesis constantly being screened, catalogued and filed. Ae a rule the library keep. literature which is relevant to our clients' products and problems and material which may be used to obtain insights into themarket for a product, the characteristics of the market and trends in market.
(4) Competitive Copy---As a service to the account and creative groups, the Research Department, upon request, continually clips newsparwer and magazine ads competitive to our client's products.
Competitive newspaper ada are clipped from all issues of the New York Times and the New York News. Competitive magazine ads are clipped from all issues of the major consumer mngazlnes. In addition, TV photoscripta, when needed, are ordered through the Research Department.