

An interview with Mrs. Carole Anne Fine(1)

Ex-Vice President & Copy Supervisor of Wells Rich Green

chuukyuu Do you remember me I am the first art dealer who appraised highly your son's painting. Is he third grade now?

Mrs.Fine Yes, I do remember you very well and I do remember when you looked his painting but he is in fourth grade now.

chuukyuu How do you make compatIble a mother and a copywriter?

Mrs.Fine I don't even think I work at it any more. I've worked ever since my kid was born, which was nine years ago. He just knows that I go to work and when I come home in the evening, I spend as much time with him as I can.

chuukyuu What time do you attend the office and what time do you leave?

Mrs.Fine I usually attend between 9:30 and 10 o'clock and leave my office around 6:30 or a little after. I get home 6:30 or 7 most nights.

chuukyuu What secret do you have to make the two jobs get a long each other?

Mrs.Fine One day an incident came up. When my kid got sick, of course I had a house keeper taking care of may child, I also had avery important client meeting and I had to make up my mind. I wondered if I should go to the meeting or I should not. Naturally as I went a long writing copy I could get more money, better and more serious job and so on.
Any way I had to make up my mind which thing do I do. So I talked to my husband about and he said something that was really very good.

He's not even like a typical male like what he think should be better if I didn't work at all. I was working and he accepted it. He said, "Listen, you're also tremendously responsible to your job. Are you serious about Your job or are you not serious about it? And John (that's my child) doesn't always come first." So I considered the two things and since he temperature wasn't terribly high any,、wasn't that sick, I decided to go to the client meeting and let my house keeper take care of him and anything bad came up I could always come home. And I did that. I think it really was the first time when my job became equal to"my child and since then, I think, I'd become, as time is going on, more and more intent on doing my own thing. Maybe I'd become more and more going over in the direction of the job like I always want to know that my child is well taken care of. But I'm not answering this in 1,2,3,4... logical steps 'cause I can't.

In the very beginning I would get guilty because when my kid was very little, about three years old, he grabbed me when I came home at night. I was very tired and was still thinking about something that happened in the office but he grabbed me and wanted me to play a game but I would do it any way 'cause I felt I ought to I went through that for about a year but I just got angry with him because I was tired. What I wanted to do was sit down and have a drink like Scotch and relax and that's the whole thing. Then I decided that I had to be straight with him 'cause he was an intelligent child and he would understand. And I just said, "I want to be with you and play with you but I'm not going to be phony about it 'cause I've just got mad in the end". Whether this is totally accepted or not I don't know but like he takes things out on me that I think may be kids' mothers are at home may not do. He never has been able too totally get my total attention and I'm aware of it and he's aware of it but it just worked out.

If I were the kind of person who wrote it in novel, I know there're been few books written about it, but I would really love to do a book about the serious career mother because I think that the very few people and its only in this generation, its only in the last may be fifteen years, that you have more and more women really dedicated to the job. I am excepted emotionally, I mean, for all practical purposes I work just like a man. I'm not a man emotionally or in my actions or may be I do a different kind of work in the sense of where I express myself.
But I work just like a man and it brings up a whole things at the time.
