

(297) [クリエイティブの核心](2) by Bill Bernbach




トマト、豆、 コーンが余分にとれるのは、 こうした着実な養分補給のおかげなのです。しかも南部の砂地以外では、肥料は1回まくだけで十分です。


Use Scotts Vegetable Garden Fertilizer once.
(Just once.) See what crop you get.

Anything you plant in your garden wants to grow, and if the soil's halfway decent and you give it just a little help, it will. (And your own fresh peas, beans and sweet corn will not only save you some money with every meal, they'll likely raste better, too.)

The chief difference between getting, say, up to 10 pounds of tomatoes and only half that much is simply fertilizer.
And you don't have to make a career out of putting it down.
We've created a vegetable garden fertilizer you use just oncea planting. It has enough nourishment in it to last for your entire crop.
(This is different from quick-release fertilizers that give you a burst offood right away and then run out on you. They're the ones that tell you to"apply" two or three times.)
We make our fertilizer so that it releases nitrogen gradually, enough at first to get your plants off and running, and then a little more week after week.
It's this steady feeding that helps give you all those extra tomatoes, beans and com. And one feeding is enough unless you're in the South and have sandy soil.
You can use this fertilizer on all your vegetables and you don't have to worry about harming them. It's a slow-release fertilize~ so it won't bum. Just follow the directions on the box.
The best time to use it is when you plant your seeds or seedlings. Just spread it as evenly as possible and work it into the soiI an inch or two.
We've tested this fertilizer ourselves on all sorts of vegetables so we know what it can do. And we sell it with the simplest guarantee we can think of. "If for any reason you are not satisfied with results after using this product, you are entitled to get your money back. Simply send us evidence of purchase and we will mail you a refund check promptly."
You won't have to go looking for us. We'll be right here in Marysville, Ohio.


That tiny moving object your lawn is a goner. or we pay for this bag.

In just two weeks, bugs so small you can't even see them can finish off a whole lawn. So call this a kind of short lesson in bugs.
While our main grass research farms are here in Marysville, Ohio, we got to know the different bugs in the counrry by going where they are.
Mole crickets in Florida. Chinchbug in Connecticut. There areTexas bugs, California bugs, special bugs everywhere.
The closestthing there is to a national bug is the chinch-bug. This is a vampire. It slips its beak into the grass plant, lets loose with a toxin, and clrains off the plant's juices. The toxin does it. That grass is dead.
Let's start with the good news. The same treatment that takes care of one bug-sod webworms, say-also takes care of other bugs. Grubs, armyworms, most any bugs you have.
There are two main kinds of bugs to worry about. The surface kind lives down in the thatch and either chews or sucks fluid out of your grass. Most of these generally row up to be moths.
The other kind lives underground, eats your grass roots and usually becomes a beede.
In fact, dead grass is the first clue you've got bugs. You're a lot better off doing something before they start.
Our Lawn InseetControl"will handle just about any bug you can get, and one treatment lasts about 8 weeks.
We also have New Kwic for towns where chinchbugs are an out-and-out epidemic.
And a feeding ofScott1fertilizer will help your lawncomebackafter an attack. All our fertilizers are summer-safe and give yourdamaged lawn the slow-release feeding it needs.
Your Scotts retailercan tell you all you want to know. (Use lots ofwater when you're treating chinchbugs, for instance.)
But if you want to call us toll-free with any questions, dial: (BOO) 543-1415. From Ohio: (BOO) 762-4010, from the Dakotas and Nebraska West: (BOO) 543-0091.
You might also like to get our quarterly, Lawn Care. It's free and it's filled with good things to know. Just write: Scotts, Marysville, Ohio.We want to see that lawn grow as much as you do.


ウィリアム・バーンバック氏 (坂本登 訳)
AAAA(全米広告代理業協会) 1971年 年次総会スピーチより


われわれのコントロールの及ばない要因が原因で販売成績が低下して、そのためにアカウントを落とすのは腹立たしいことである。 しかし、間違いなくわれわれ自身の作業が原因であれば、クビになっても文句のつけようがない。
それで、まずわれわれは"売る" という鍛練---「商品の利点と商品のカギとなるメッセージが流れているか」という尺度で、われわれの広告の仕事を測る訓練---を必要とするのである。(かつての『ブレーン』誌の坂本 登編集長:訳)


