An Interview with Mr. Herb Lubalin(3)
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Best friend---Mr.Louis Dorfsman
chuukyuu How did you come to know Mr. Louis Dorfsman?
LUBALIN We were very good friends in school are still good friends.
chuukyuu How have you two been cooperating each other as friends and designers?
LUBALIN We have been cooperating with each other as friends and designers for 25 years. We work for each other; I do work for CBS, he does work for my company. Right now we are both involved in a few very exciting big projects which I can't talk about at the moment but sooner or later people in Japan will hear all about them.
chuukyuu What have you learned and gained from Mr. Dorfsman?
LUBALlN We both derive a certain amount of inspiration from each other because I think he is the finest designer in the U.S. and he thinks I'm the finest designer in the U.S. So we give each other certain amount of confidence.
Also I learned how to save money from him and he learned how to spend money from me. And I think that his affect on my saving has been less than my affect his spending.
chuukyuu Are there any other designers and artists who have influenced you or who are going friend who are good friends of yours?
LUBALIN People like Gene Federico, George Lois, Allen Hurlburt, Bob Cage at DDB, Steve Frankfurt at Y&R. Saul Bass is a very good friend of ours whom we communicate with a lot. That's just a few. There are hundreds of friends.
interviewed in 1969
an advertisement for CBS-Radio