32マイル 50マイル 28マイル
(1) あるVWのオーナーは、37マイルももたせている。 (その人はいつも、コンスタントな速度で、ゆっくり運転しているのです。)
(2) あるVWのオーナーは、28マイルしか伸びない(その人はいつも、発進・停止の回数が多いためか、踏みこみが強すぎるか、エンジンの調子を変えてしまったかです。)
32 mpg 50 mpg 28 mpg
Depends on how you drive it. And where.
Driven by a pro in on economy run, a stock Volkswagen will deliver close to 50 miles per gallon.
But for everyday driving, figure on getting about 32 mpg with a Volkswagen.
Notice we loy it right on the line; none of that "up to so·many miles per gallon." This occasionally draws on indignant letter from;
(1) A VW owner who gets closer to 37 mpg lusually because he drives at slower, more constant peedsl. Or
(2) A VW owner who gets closer to 28 mpg (usually because of a lot of stop-andgo driving, or a heavy foot, or possibly on out-of-tune enginel).
But the figure of 32 miles per gallon has stood up over the years.
And you can put these in your bankbook too; a cost of only $1,565,and less depreciation than any other car. lower insurance rates in many states. Practically no oil between changes. No anti-freeze. Phenomenal tire life (40,000 miles isn't unusual).
Inexpensive spare ports. And on engine that's seldom in the repair shop.