1969年 | 1968年 | |
売上げ | 7,572,658,000ドル | 7,092,705,000ドル |
広告費 | 17,000,000ドル | 16,425,000ドル |
3 安全キャンペーン
あなたは丁度、こんなびっくりするようをものに飽きたころかもしれませんね。1. 坂やカーブでは、機会あるごとに追い越したさい。とても競技的です。私たちは、追い越す時には前方の道が十分にあいているのを見てからでないといけないということを知ってはいますが、それを半分にけずって、やってのけるべきなのです。
2. 追い越しに出た以上は、追い越しなさい。困ったことになるかもしれないからといって、安全地帯に戻るなんてことはしないでください。対向車線にそのままいて、あつかましくやってのけなさい。
4. 横に出ようとする前に、ちなたの後ろにいる車の位置を点検する必要はありませせん。もし技後ろの車があなたを追い越そうとしていても、それは彼自身の問題でしょう?
5. できるだけ頻繁に、左(原文は右)から追い越しなさい。そして他の運転者がすごくおもしろい表情になるのを見やりましょう。そうすれば、死ぬ時だって、あなたは笑いながら死ねるでしょう。
6. 追い越した後でその車の前に入る場合、ミラーにその車を認められるまで待つなんてことはしないでください。追い越した車のすぐ前に入るあなたの運転技術を見せてやりさい。
モービル あなたに生きていていただきたい。
>>このモービル・キャンペーンにまつわる、「L. シローイッツ氏のスピーチ」
6 dumb ways to pass another car.
Passing another car seems so simple that you don't even think about it.
(With luck, you may get to think about it in the hospital.)
So please. Think about it now. And if you ever find yourself doing even one of these dumb things, never do it again.
You may just have used up all the du'mb luck that's coming to you.
1. Pass on hills and curves every chance you get. It's the sporty thing to do We all know that a passer should be able to see a full mile of clear road ahead, but you ought to be able to shave that in half and get away with it.2. Once you start to pass, pass. Don't drop back to your safe spot because it looks as if you'll be caught in a squeeze. Stay in the wrong lane and brazen it out.
3. If you're carrying 2 or 3 passengers, your car will take 25% to 40% longer to get up to passing speed. But what do you care? Just hit the gas pedal as llard as you can and give everybody a thrill.
4. Never check the position of the car behind you before you swing out. If he's starting to pass you, that's his problem, right?5. Pass on the right as often as you can. Notice the priceless expression on the other driver's face. You may die laughing.
6. Don't wait until you can see the car you've just passed in your rearview mirror before you swing in ahead of it. Show off a little. Cut back fast. Right in front of him.
Of course, there are more than 6 dumb ways to pass other cars. And new ones are being invented every day. That's why we're putting these ads in the papers.
The fewer dumb things you do, the better chance we have of getting you to try our gasoline and oil.
We'd like you to know how to pass everything on the road except our service stations.Mobil We want you to live.