サア大変 危機一髪!
(1) ブレーキから足を離す。
(2) アクセルから足を離す。ただしゆっくりと。
(3) さて、次が肝心なところ。ハンドルを少し右に切る。つまり、クルマがスリップする前に向かっていた方向に切るのです。
(1) ブレーキから足を離す。
(2) アクセルから足を離す。
(3) 目的の方向にクルマのハンドルを切る。ゆっくりと。この辺のカンをよく呑みこむこと。もし、クルマの車首が左に曲りかけたら、ハンドルを心持ち右に切る。逆も同じ。これをクルマが元に戻るまで続けます。
当社の製品を試す機会がなければ、永遠にその優秀性は分らず終わりになってしまうでしょうから。モービル あなたに生きていていただきたい
How to skid and love to tell the tale.
Oh boy. Are you in trouble!
You're driving the car in this picture and you're up against it. This is what to do,
1. Take your foot off the brake.
2. Take your foot off the gas. Slowly.
3. Now this is touchy . Torn your wheels a little to the right, in other words, steer the back to the way you were going.
No, No, No. That's too much. Just touch. That's it. Now you're straightening out.
But now the car's going the other way, O.k. Easy does it. Turn in the direction you want the car to go.
It's the logical thing to do.
As long as you keep skidding, keep pointing the car where you want it to be. But do it gently. Anything sudden makes everything worse.
We wish we could say, that this method does works every time you get into trouble.
Unfortunately, it doesn't; no method does.
But it can get you out of a tough spot. And it can keep a skid from going out of control alltogether.
So let's try it again. Act it out. Right now, wherever you are. Never mind how silly you look.
1. Take your foot off the brake.
2. Take your foot off the gas.
3, Steerthe car back where you want it to go. Easy.
Easy. Get the feel of it. If the front of the car is going to the left, nudge it over to the right. And vice versa, until you straighten out.
We at Mobil hope that you'll drive csarefully enough in bad weather to keep from skidding in thre first place.
But skidding does happen.
And we want you to know how to handle a skid because you'll nrver find out how good our products are if you aren't here to try them,
Mobil We want you to live.
>>このモービル・キャンペーンにまつわるL. シローイッツ氏のスピーチ