

An Interview with John Noble(3)

<<An Interview with John Noble(1)

from "Great American Copywriter Vol.2"
Tadahisa Nishio
published in March 10, 1971

Mr. John Noble
Vice-President, Copy supervisor DDB Inc.

Chuukyuu What's your favorite ad and why?
Noble My favorite ad is a television commercial called "Mr. Jones and Mr.Krempler." We opened on two neighbors. They each had $3,000. One sunny morning they both went out to buy a car with their money. Mr. Jones bought himself a Ford. Mr.Krembler bought himself a Volkswagen, a refrigerator, a range, a washing machine, a dryer, two new television sets and a record player -- all for $3,000.
I think that kind of said something nice about what you could do with money you save when uou bought VW. Anyhow, I liked it. And so did a lot of other people. Because they took the time to write in and tell us. Can you imagine in this crazy fast-paced world of ours, people taking the time to write in and tell you they love your ads. We get requests all the time from people asking for their favorite ads. They decorate their walls with them, put them in scrap books and even on the outside of their cars. What a nice position for an account to be in. To have an advertising fan club.

<<television commercial "Mr. Jones and Mr.Krempler."

(to be continued.)